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kendo uniform English

Synonyms kendo uniform synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as kendo uniform?

kendo uniform English » English

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Examples kendo uniform examples

How do I use kendo uniform in a sentence?

Simple sentences

How much did it cost you to buy your school uniform?
Schoolchildren in Czechia don't have to wear a school uniform.
The new houses are of a uniform height.
Those cities have uniform traffic laws.
The man drove his car at a uniform speed.
The first was the school uniform.
I met her at the station, but I did not recognize her in uniform.
Do you have a school uniform?
Does a uniform eliminate class difference?
Where's your uniform?
Why are you still wearing your uniform?
Tom is wearing his soccer uniform.
The school uniform is convenient because it can be worn for both informal and formal occasions.
The school should do away with the uniform.
Tom changed into his school uniform.
I hate this uniform.
Why aren't you in uniform?
Tom was wearing a uniform.

Movie subtitles

And prepare my official uniform.
I'll pass this on to the uniform branch.
And I'm not in uniform.
The country constable will envy your beautiful uniform.
No officials in uniform!
I don't want you to speak to me again until you are in uniform.
Must be immense, as in fairy tales. There will be guards in uniform, with flags all the way.
Is the honour of wearing a uniform. something from which we should run?
Get into uniform, ready to report. Fall out!
Where'd he get such a nice uniform? - Any mail for us, Himmie?
My father even wanted me to wear my uniform around him.
First, we'll get your uniform.
It may not look that good now, but as soon as I get into a uniform, Mr. Holmes, it will instantly add the majesty. You can't get anything better for your money.
What a beautiful uniform.
I left you a clean uniform.
Could you possibly help me to die in a uniform of my own choosing?
What would you call a uniform of your own choosing?
Infatuated with a pretty uniform.
Where's your uniform?
You haven't got a uniform?
No, sir. You gotta have a uniform.
Gotta have a uniform.
Make that uniform blue.
Well, got your uniform?
Then why does he wear that uniform?
Get into uniform, ready to report.
Where'd he get such a nice uniform?
Where did you get the uniform?
How handsome my Alexis was in his dress uniform.
You have any more pictures of you in uniform?
Turn in your uniform.
Some are in uniform.
As for me, I was in my uniform and already adored my profession.
Are they in uniform?
Personally, I admire the uniform.
The one with the uniform like ladies' red flannels?
I've always dreamed of wearing a uniform.

News and current affairs

But the boom is not uniform.
The same holds true for female labor market participation, which in Lebanon is low but uniform across religious groups.
One proposed solution is for these countries to engineer the equivalent of a devaluation - a uniform decrease in wages.
Today everyone deals with life and hardship individually (a new word in our everyday vocabulary) regardless of any Kremlin desire to make life uniform.
They are uniform: red and white, brightly lit, clean and businesslike.
Certainly, political union and a common market require a uniform frame of reference to prevent major distortions in competition.
At the same time, however, that reaction is much less uniform and clear-cut than many observers believe.
Although recent reports of the International Working Group of sovereign funds have indicated the difficulties in applying uniform governance standards, several measures are needed in order to bring Libya back to global capital markets.
Unfortunately, harmonization would probably apply to wage replacement payments, implying uniform minimum wage constraints for EU countries.
Catholicism in its heyday combined a fairly decentralized administration, under the sway of stand-alone bishops, with a uniform set of beliefs.
Church administration has become increasingly subject to uniform civil codes.
Nor will consumers find any uniform standards for loans or other financial guarantee agreements in the EU.
The payment products they use are based on uniform pan-European procedures.
Listing and trading rules will be harmonized, and standards of information disclosure will become uniform across exchanges.
The provision of liquidity, the recapitalization of banks, more uniform deposit insurance across the advanced countries - these were all correct and necessary measures.
Europe's capability of deploying combat forces is simply too small relative to the number of men and women in uniform.
The WTO stands on two legs: non-discriminatory trade liberalization and uniform rule-making and enforcement.
What we need are traffic rules for the global economy that help vehicles of varying size, shape, and speed navigate around each other, rather than imposing an identical car or a uniform speed limit.
It will be difficult to get countries to agree on uniform regulations.
This can be seen in Europe, where the European Union's member states cannot agree among themselves on a uniform set of financial rules.
The decisive moment came when de Gaulle, in military uniform, went on television to demonstrate his mastery of the new medium.
In science, as in any complicated and creative endeavor, uniform opinions and approaches will always prove sterile.

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