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jumper block

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In many cases, lifesaving medicines can be cheaply mass-produced, but are sold at prices that block access to those who need them.
But I don't want to block their way.
Romney supports gradually increasing retirement ages, a premium-support model for Medicare, and shifting Medicaid (health insurance for the poor) to the states via block grants.
But, while the shutdown of the United States government, initiated by radical congressional Republicans seeking to block implementation of President Barack Obama's health-care legislation, is over - at least for now - three enduring lessons have emerged.
Knowing the importance to poor families of remittance to Georgia, we are also concerned at reports of measures to block bank transfers.
Despite the ICC's seeming powerlessness, many governments' leaders are engaged in strenuous efforts to block the indictment.
It may be, as President Mubarak's critics argue, that the faltering progress of democratization reflects the attempt to block all potential challengers to Gamal.
But the US political system is set up to make it much harder to accomplish something than to block it.
For example, a United States Senate committee recently sought to block the planned liberalization of foreign takeover rules for airlines, while Europe has enacted more restrictive takeover laws.
The first problem arises when specific factors, real or perceived, block some options from the adjustment menu.
Instead, Putin has allowed Gazprom's management to block proposals from his own government on the long overdue unbundling of the company.
Moreover, Putin himself is in the business of sterilizing Russia's democratic processes by handpicking his successor and having his courts and electoral commissions block his opponents from political participation, often tarring them as traitors.
Block thinking fuses a varied reality into one indissoluble unity, and in two ways.
Block thinking is an age-old phenomenon, and we all do it to some degree.
The problem is that even if future Palestinian leaders want to resolve the issues that block peace with Israel, doing so will be far more difficult than it would have been for Arafat.
Rouhani can undercut hardliners who would seek to block any ultimate deal only if the Iranian population both experiences economic relief and attributes it to his administration.
For his part, Barroso is widely seen as having avoided controversy throughout 2008 in order not to risk offending any governments that might have been inclined to block his reappointment.
One possible answer is that there are still technical barriers that block the construction and use of such networks.
Cultural barriers are the real stumbling block.
And that could prove to be even more difficult, because the current closed nature of the medical-information system and its self-directed incentive structure block such sharing.
The EU is the largest trading block in the world, and it has coped with the rise of China in the global marketplace far better than America or Japan has.
Block thought persists in part because its critics on each side are unknown to those on the other side.
But explaining that to block thinkers will never have the impact of a real connection to the multi-faceted discourse that is actually taking place on the other side.
But China wields a veto there and will block enforcement of an adverse ruling, just as the US did in the Nicaragua case.