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Examples jednokorunová mince examples

How do I use jednokorunová mince in a sentence?

Simple sentences

He doesn't mince words.
She doesn't mince words.
I do not mince words.
This is mince.
Tom does not mince words.
Tom doesn't mince words.

Movie subtitles

Mince and cheese?
As in giving you a heart attack? Mince all the way.
You know, steak and cheese, mince and cheese, that sort of thing.
Bullock, go easy on the mince pies.
Don't mince around!
We won't mince words.
You got breath like a hot mince pie!
Yes but go easy. Don't make mince meat out of him!
Sergeant, I'm not going to mince matters, because you and I talk the same language.
You still go for the mince pie?
I don't want to mince words with you.
Mr Pudey, I'm not going to mince words with you.
The maid is just mince in that jolly color, Sergeant.
You certainly don't mince words.
We won't mince words. You're an escaped prisoner of the Reich.
I'm not gonna mince words.
Let's not mince words, I don't care what you call it here.
Harry, I won't mince words.
Whoops! Don't look now, girls. The maid is just mince in that jolly color, Sergeant.
You certainly don't mince words. I like that.
Mince pie for me, please.
How should I put it? Well, let's not mince words.
He put mince in it. He put bloody mince in it. Look what you've done!
You shouldn't mince words.
You don't mince words, do you?
Laszlo, we will not mince words. You're an escaped prisoner of the Reich.
I'm not one to mince words.
I'm not gonna mince words. If you continue in this manner, I shall have to place you under arrest.
Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter making it light to Cassio.
Don't mince words, Bones.
You put too much bread in the mince. Be careful!
Have you ever had a mince pie?
Hey, you seem all sweetness, but. you don't mince your words.
Mince? Mince, I'm gonna pick the baby up later, okay?

News and current affairs

The 179 page document does not mince words.

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