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iron dichloride English

Synonyms iron dichloride synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as iron dichloride?

iron dichloride English » English

iron chloride ferrous chloride

Examples iron dichloride examples

How do I use iron dichloride in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Gold is heavier than iron.
Gold is more precious than iron.
Please iron the shirt.
This vase is made of iron.
Please fix the iron.
I burned my hand with an iron.
Strike while the iron is hot.
I burned my fingers on a hot iron.
A magnet attracts iron.
The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the track.
Iron is harder than gold.
Iron is much more useful than gold.
Iron is hard.
Iron is a very useful metal.
The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron.
Rust ate away the iron bar.
The iron broke down due to over-heating.
I have to iron my shirt.
This bridge is made of iron.
Galileo dropped two iron balls from the top of the tower.

Movie subtitles

Iron it straightly!
The only person present not belonging to the household was Torarin and his gaze kept returning to the iron-clad chest at the foot of the four-poster bed.
The wrists and ankles of the accused were tied to two iron rods screwed to the floor.
Loyalty, which iron could not break, will not melt in fire, Hagen Tronje!
Take Gunther's form and break Brunhilde's iron will.
You are the iron men of Germany.
I heard you in here reciting that same old stuff. making more iron men, more young heroes.
Get the curling iron.
He broke through those iron bars as if they were toothpicks.
That iron door?
The iron door.
Jungle wood's as heavy as iron.
An iron stake was driven through her heart, nailing her horrid soul to the earth.
If something goes wrong, we'll have cast-iron alibis or a top-notch lawyer.
With the iron horse of Bolshevism Vasili destroyed thousand year old fields!
Now he's twisted and broken them iron bars as if they was cheese.
That iron door? - Yes.
And what a cast-iron nerve you got!
Not unless I was in one those big iron things.
One must strike while the iron's hot. Come with me.
I haven't even the power to iron out a single wrinkle.
Show them the iron, Kent.
Give them a taste of their own iron!
What difference if he's the iron man we need?
Iron it straightly! No matter how much I can pretend not to notice unjust things and just keep going, but I can't just endure this.
Not unless I was in one those big iron things. What you call 'em?
Containing phosphates, iron and innumerable vitamins.
Do you know how to iron?
Darling, we'll iron it out.
Our men can't lay a hot iron intheeyesofa taxdodgerwithout getting an arrow in the throat.
Yes, it is an amazing piece of engineering. still the most remarkable iron structure in the world.
Well, just don't use no sticks or no knives or no piece of iron.

News and current affairs

There is the potential for oil and gas exploration, and of mining iron ore and precious metals.
Eight of the new members are former Communist countries that were locked behind the Iron Curtain for nearly half a century.
Likewise, I will never forget the eerie feeling of riding my bike through the Brandenburg Gate from West Berlin into the East, and seeing the contrast between people who were free and those who were trapped behind the Iron Curtain.
Lee was the pioneer of capitalism with an iron fist.
Countries that specialize in the export of oil, copper, iron ore, wheat, coffee, or other commodities have been booming, but they are highly vulnerable.
Nigeria would issue oil bonds; Sierra Leone would issue iron-ore bonds; and Mongolia would issue copper bonds.
After all, steel companies have an inherent need to hedge against fluctuations in the price of iron ore, just as airlines and utilities have an inherent need to hedge against fluctuations in the price of oil.
But migration from Eastern Europe in those years was blocked by the Iron Curtain.
Young Indian factory workers who fail to follow instructions are sometimes regret branded with red-hot iron rods, and some teenage Thai prostitutes are disciplined by having acid thrown in their faces.
As a result, China's economy is dominated by resource-hungry and inefficient polluters, such as coal and mineral mines, textile and paper mills, iron and steel makers, petrochemical factories, and building material producers.
The United Arab Emirates has initiated the world's first large-scale CCS project in the iron and steel sector.
For too many years the Baltic Sea was a blind alley on the political map of Europe - divided by the Iron Curtain.
The price of iron ore is down, too.
The truth of the matter, as David Graeber points out in his majestic Debt: The First 5,000 Years, is that that the creditor-debtor relationship embodies no iron law of morality; rather, it is a social relationship that always must be negotiated.
This all happened when the Iron Curtain divided Europe - and the world - into opposing camps.
China's attempt at capitalism with an iron fist has created a system of gross corruption, with huge disparities in wealth.
In May, Hungarian reformers began tearing down the fence along their border with Austria - a hole in the Iron Curtain.
Twenty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, it remains divided, unable to unify into a global force.
Poor traders like Rosalia want real shops, and for some, Namibia Beverages, the local bottling operation of Coca-Cola, is answering the call with sturdy iron cabins that are spacious, portable, and easily secured.
The Iron Curtain, which for decades irreconcilably divided the East from the West, is gone.
Acclaimed as a national hero among radical right-wingers, the iron-fisted Park Chung-hee ruled South Korea from 1963 to 1979, in the wake of the 1961 military coup, only to be assassinated by his intelligence chief.
In the German media, references to Margaret Thatcher and Otto von Bismarck abound, with Merkel hailed as an Iron Lady, even an Iron Chancellor.
In 2011, a group of Indian state and private companies won the concession for the Hajigak iron-ore deposit in Bamyan Province.
China's manufacturing boom is fuelled by imported minerals, such as iron ore and chromium, which southern Africa possesses in abundance.
The Chilean military strongman Augusto Pinochet, for example, imposed his own version of capitalism with an iron fist, and, though Margaret Thatcher and Friedrich von Hayek admired him, hardly anyone reveres him today.
The district is poor by any reckoning, with 100,000 people crammed into shabby corrugated iron and tarpaulin-covered huts along miles of dirt pathways and hillsides.

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