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intersectoral research

Examples intersectoral research examples

How do I use intersectoral research in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I did a little research.
The research shows that the drug is most effective in women aged sixty and older.
If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?
We have not kept pace with the latest research.
Our company wants to take part in that research project.
The theory is based on thorough research.
The results of the research were quite satisfactory.
Someday the new research work will be completed.
We have little money available for the research.
The research institute was established in the late 1960s.
The essay treats of the progress of cancer research.
This book is a result of his enthusiastic research.
This reference is valuable for my research.
From the standpoint of ecology, Antarctica should be reserved solely for research, not for tourism or for commercial exploration.
My brother is engaged in cancer research.
Some psychologists raise doubts about Pepperberg's research.
The scientist insisted on proceeding with the research.
This is the outcome of our research.
I can't keep track of all the changes taking place in the world of AIDS research.
The research director had the department do a thorough job in testing the new product.
I am engaged in AIDS research.
The war brought their research to an end.
Research has shown how polluted the rivers are these days.
His research bore fruit in the end.
He made a great contribution to research into cancer.
He is engaged in medical research.
He dedicates himself to research.

Movie subtitles

Here at nasa's Ames Research Center in northern California, astronomer Peter schultz and his team are testing to see if this theory of Panspermia is even remotely possible.
Oh, maybe your research wasn't as thorough as you thought it was.
But, so as not to hinder the research of that inspector, his release must remain a secret.
After years of research I finally discovered that I was the only guy in the world who hadn't written a play.
After 20 years of secret scientific research, and countless failures, I also have created life, as we say, in God's own image.
In that case, what happens to medical research?
I have some important research.
That sounds silly, but that's the biggest research problem in the world today.
Medical Research Bureau is backing me.
What is this research, actually?
Scientific research on cell growth.
Look, Haven our research department didn't give us much data.
What research?
Young man, could I interest you in a research project in which you could be very helpful?
Thanks to this discovery he established his name even more so, which helped him pursue his plans for further research on the Milky Way Galaxy in collaboration with institutions abroad.
Engineer De Voogt from the PTT made one of these dishes available for research on the Galaxy in 1948.
After some extensive research, I've discovered that there's a nanomachine embedded in this bug's belly.
It's called Dynamic Ultra. They do high-tech research.
I'm detecting no signs of life within the research facility.
We brought you proof, research materials on The Blessed collected through the years.
After years of research, I finally discovered that I was the only guy in the world who hadn't written a play.
He goes into pigment research and optical density, which determines the degree of visibility of things.
It dealt with a research scientist, prior to disappearing himself, experimenting and making an octopus invisible in his laboratory tank.
Historian Paul Jensen was the first to research and write an in-depth study of The Invisible Man, many years ago.
Proper subjects for such research are naturally difficult to find.
Valuable research work in a rather unusual form.
Crime and Research.
I'm going to do some research that even the Carnegie Institute never heard of.
Well, that's quite a field of research too, you know. - Yes, ma'am.
My dear Jekyll, you know how we all admire your work and this case does come within the scope of your research.
Heath was telling me that you're still carrying on with that research work.
Rather ambitious, I should call that. His research goes deeper than the brain into something more intangible than the mind.
Seems I must discontinue my research, spend my life diagnosing measles mumps, and whooping cough or encounter his serious disapproval.
But unfortunately, our medical research is correct.
We plan to expand our department of Psychiatric Research here.
Harry's a genius at research.
Purely research.
More scientific research?
Nat, you and Morgan and Talbot, you're the research division.
Research dug it up.

News and current affairs

Indeed, our research shows that when mutual-recognition agreements include restrictive rules of origin, intra-regional trade increases - at the expense of trade with other countries - and that developing countries tend to suffer most.
Reducing the deficit by cutting funds for education, infrastructure, and research and development is akin to trying to lose weight by cutting off three fingers.
And many die simply because there are no cures or vaccines, because so little of the world's valuable research talent and limited resources is devoted to addressing the diseases of the poor.
Because the poor have so little money to spend, drug companies, under current arrangements, have little incentive to do research on the diseases that afflict them.
Drug companies argue that high prices are necessary to fund research and development.
Government finances health-care research because improved medicines are a public good.
Efficiency requires sharing research as widely as possible as soon as it is available.
While this system does provide incentives for certain kinds of research by making innovation profitable, it allows drug companies to drive up prices, and the incentives do not necessarily correspond to social returns.
The patent system may even have adverse effects on innovation, because, while the most important input into any research is prior ideas, the patent system encourages secrecy.
A solution to both high prices and misdirected research is to replace the current model with a government-supported prize fund.
His bill also contains an important provision aimed at encouraging open-source research, which would move the current research model away from secrecy toward sharing.
But the research is advancing fast, and it is almost certain to suggest new ways to reshape our moral intuitions, sentiments, and motivations.
There has been a huge amount of research into the ways that humans cause climate change, and how we can reduce it.
Most economic research suggests that gold prices are very difficult to predict over the short to medium term, with the odds of gains and losses being roughly in balance.
The good news is that economic research does have a few things to say about whether Europe should have a single currency.
Indeed, much economic research has demonstrated a powerful relationship between the level of trust in a community and its aggregate economic performance.
New research by three Italian economists, Francesco Bosello, Carlo Carraro, and Enrica De Cian does this, and, ultimately, provides a powerful economic case for a much greater focus on adaptation.
Importantly, the new research shows that adaptation would achieve a lot more than cuts in carbon emissions.