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interpolate forward

Examples interpolate forward examples

How do I use interpolate forward in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I am looking forward to seeing you.
I look forward to meeting you again soon.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
I'm looking forward to it.
We looked forward to the party.
I look forward to your next visit.
I'm looking forward to the party.
I'll look forward to it.
Sophie had been looking forward to getting another letter from the unknown sender.
I look forward to my birthday.
I'm looking forward to his present.
They looked forward to a time when they would no longer have to live from hand to mouth.
Tom told me he had nothing to look forward to.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again before long.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
The students were all looking forward to the summer vacation.
If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries.
I look forward to the summer vacation.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
The chairman put forward an important plan at the meeting.
We are all looking forward to seeing you and your family.

Movie subtitles

You pushed my schedule forward a great deal.
And step forward when your name is called.
We're long and skinny and that's how we move forward.
Frankly speaking, who would step forward? They can be harrassed by Lord Choi!
Who would dare to step forward?
If you step forward here and get beaten by them, your whole body would be beaten to pieces, so how would you handle that?
It's our. forward operating base in Afghanistan.
Face forward.
The camera is switched off without Declan leaning forward or leaving frame.
Anyway, um, look forward to catching up.
It doesn't feel like a textbook baby when it's practising its forward rolls at three in the morning.
This is what I've been looking forward to since I came out.
And I just wanted to say I'm very much looking forward to our dinner on Sunday.
I was looking forward to a quiet night in with you.
No, I'm grateful. You pushed my schedule forward a great deal.
Seeing these nine brave souls who fought for humanity, upholding justice, facing impossible odds, yet pushing forward, is something that I will never forget.
She would ponder how blessed they were, to have something to look forward to.
All who enjoyed their soup, step forward!
Sorry to have to report. there are four stowaways in the forward hatch.
March forward!
We're gonna throw a forward pass.
Signal: 18, 72, forward pass, eenie, meenie, miney, mo.
Now, boys, forward.
Hurry this line forward.
Forward, you farmer and up here!
Can't find her forward.
And now before I tell you the full story of our voyage I will ask the gentlemen of the press to come forward so that the audience may see them take the first photographs of Kong and his captors.
That scene was added, and I think that scene is so important to understand Allison's mind-set moving forward, because you see her as this, you know, this sort of sweet, naive girl, and then something massive happens. And then it's, you know.
That's why you should let her step forward.
They felt that something is wrong seeing us so close to them, so now the Americans have come forward, isn't it?
From this day forward it can be said that this is the birth of a 1000-year nation.
Step forward, everybody.
Forward. march!
Crawl forward!
Command. was forward.
Command was forward!
Forward, march!

News and current affairs

Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and other major oil companies should step forward and help to fund the necessary cleanup, ushering in a new era of responsibility.
It is the Czech Republic's task, and that of the Swedish EU presidency that will follow our own, to maintain this unity as the PCA negotiations move forward.
The Bush Administration not only counted its chickens, it sold them forward!
As soon as the midwife saw that the baby was coming out feet forward, she must have known that there was little she could do to save either mother or baby.
Spain, Argentina, and Germany, to name but a few countries, have put forward very young teams that have played an impressive game.
Unless other countries become more willing to step forward for the common good, a post-American world could quickly become a far more frightening environment than what it would replace.
Call it fast-forward modernization.
Now, in the immediate wake of the Russia-Georgia crisis, Turkey's leaders have stepped forward once again to take a leadership role in the Caucasus.
Now that many European nations have become increasingly mixed in terms of ethnicity and culture, the only way forward is to learn to live together.
For the Dreamliner to take off, ascend, and maintain a steady altitude, it must do more than move forward.
It has to move forward fast enough to exceed critical physical thresholds, which are significantly higher than those for most of Boeing's other (smaller) planes.
Failure would mean succumbing to a mid-air stall, with tepid forward motion giving way to a sudden loss of altitude.
Success depends not on what one or even a handful of countries can do alone, but on what all of us are able to achieve by moving forward together against this common threat.
Particularly the losers, often represented by young men with no future to look forward to, can be induced to take even suicidal action against the alleged enemy.
Obama, Rudd, Zapatero, and other forward-thinking leaders can therefore make a huge difference by following up on their pledges at the G-8 and insisting that the aid really works.
The motion was subsequently revoked; but the fact that it was put forward at all is astonishing enough.
I have no doubt that those involved were seeking a way forward that would allow for a full investigation and help overcome the political divisiveness currently undermining the Human Rights Council within the UN system.
If the world is going to shift in the direction of a new and more globally democratic system, other nations will need to meaningfully step forward to assume new responsibilities.
The lack of forward movement stems not just from disagreement over goals, but also from the inability of a divided Palestinian leadership to compromise.
Unfortunately, Koizumi and his allies are not prepared to move forward on the Yasukuni issue.
Moreover, perhaps in anticipation of a change in power, the mandarins have moved forward the annual personnel changes in the major ministries' top administrative positions.
America's friends around the world watched with dismay the recent brawl in over raising the federal government's debt ceiling, and the US Congress's inability to come to anything like a balanced and forward-looking compromise.
Under this scenario, any country that runs persistent, large current account balances must look forward to a hard landing and a correction in the value of its currency.
Their main arguments are reminiscent the arguments put forward by those who backed the Cuban Revolution.