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Despite dramatically falling crime rates over the last ten years (which most criminologists attribute more to demography - there have simply been fewer young men of late - than incarceration), prison populations have continued to soar.
Some attribute this to the fact that India and the US are the world's two largest democracies.
Followers are more likely to attribute charisma to leaders when they feel a strong need for change, often in the context of a personal, organizational, or social crisis.
Some attribute the price drop to the US shale-energy boom.
It also noted that the IMF and World Bank overlap, so that there was no real accountability for either institution. If something went wrong, the IMF could attribute responsibility to the World Bank, and vice versa.
I do not attribute any malign or sinister purposes to the OSCE presence in Albania, unless one considers inertia malign.
But this does not make governments' political task much easier, because the benefits are diffuse: consumers paying less for airline tickets may not attribute it to deregulation.
At the same time, we should not attribute current enthusiasm for fiscal retrenchment to such contingencies.
Some scientists attribute the intensity of Cyclone Nargis, which struck Myanmar, killing more than 30,000, to global warming.
This often made it difficult to attribute authorship, because a text might consist of a copied lecture in which the copyist's comments were inserted and then perhaps altered as the book passed to other hands.
After all, poverty is not an unchanging attribute of a fixed group; it is a condition that threatens billions of vulnerable people.
But to attribute the performance of Russian business to the efforts of the state is the same as attributing a writer's work to his editor, or even to his censor.
Indeed, his most astonishing attribute is intellectual flexibility, to say what everyone wants to hear.
But it would be facile to attribute this to the immaturity of Central European democracies.
It is not politically correct to attribute any share of very poor countries' suffering to their own decisions.
Niall Ferguson, the British historian, cites scholars who attribute Japan's imperial expansion after 1914 to a male youth bulge, and who link the rise of Islamist extremism to an Islamic youth bulge.
Three decades later, the world is in a slump, and many people attribute the global crisis to these very ideas.
It would be similarly misleading to attribute T3's success to China alone.
Such skepticism, which is a fundamental attribute of the democratic mind, may have played a role in pushing the government toward more openness in Sichuan.
While they recognize that Asia's experience has been rather different, they tend to attribute that to dissimilar capital markets.
If something went wrong, the IMF could attribute responsibility to the World Bank, and vice versa.
They are prone to attribute concerns about globalization to crass protectionist motives or ignorance, even when there are genuine ethical issues at stake.
Voters tend to get rid of governments once the incumbents have lost their most precious attribute: the benefit of the doubt.
They are prepared to give some the benefit of the doubt (by far the most important attribute any political leader can possess).
Some attribute the fall largely to declining global growth expectations.
The crimes they attribute to Putin sound like the indictment for a treason trial.