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inorganic English

Meaning inorganic meaning

What does inorganic mean?


relating or belonging to the class of compounds not having a carbon basis hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are called inorganic substances lacking the properties characteristic of living organisms

Synonyms inorganic synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as inorganic?

Topics inorganic topics

What do people use inorganic to talk about?

Examples inorganic examples

How do I use inorganic in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Water and mineral salts are inorganic substances.
The oxygen in Earth's atmosphere comes from living things, but oxygen can also be produced by inorganic chemical reactions.

Movie subtitles

Thousands of years ago, on some obscure planet, a primitive chess computer was the first inorganic mind to beat man.
Gradually, they mastered a technology based on inorganic, lifeless substances.
It's like a molecular union, but with organic and inorganic compounds.
It's almost like a transitional phase between organic and inorganic matter.
It is possible that we are unable to distinguish the pod from the inorganic matter in space.
I'm doing a PhD, Structural Inorganic Chemistry.
It's too inorganic.
Frank, meet the prototype inorganic human companion.
Like I told you, the inorganic humans are the same as organic humans.
It reminds him I'm inorganic.
Now it may be argued that the framers of the Constitution. never intended its protections to be extended. to an inorganic being such as Adam.
A space-dwelling life-form capable of metabolizing inorganic matter.
It contains nothing organic or inorganic.
This process was often successful in healing both organic and inorganic body parts.
It's inorganic.
But unlike life elsewhere, it appears to be completely inorganic.
A test for inorganic life.
Those may be basic for any definition of life, organic or inorganic.
But it's inorganic.
Inorganic or not, it is alive.
The inorganic life form has taken over our Medical lab.
Incredible. A space-dwelling life-form capable of metabolizing inorganic matter.
Or they've been fused with inorganic matter.
It contains nothing organic or inorganic. In fact, according to the technicians, this ash doesn't exist.
Yes, but could radiation alter the molecular structure of a. substance. from organic to inorganic?
The International is an inorganic debutante ball.
So there is a direct transition. between organic and inorganic matter.
It is possible that at this distance we are unable to distinguish the pod from the inorganic matter normally present in space.
Descartes didn't distinguish between humans and machines or organic world and inorganic world.
They make these really inorganic sounds.
Well, I'm polymerized tree sap, and you're an inorganic adhesive.
Great care must be taken to avoid leaving inorganic materials inside the chamber.
But I did find some inorganic agents mixed in with the liquefied tissue.
I got the results back on the inorganic goo.
Rat excrement will contain not only inorganic clues but digested remains from the victim.
Um, it's inorganic.

News and current affairs

The agents traditionally used to speed up excretion of inorganic metals from poisoned patients turned out to make symptoms of methyl mercury poisoning worse rather than milder.

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