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inductance wire

Examples inductance wire examples

How do I use inductance wire in a sentence?

Simple sentences

He testified that the wire-tapping was carried out at the behest of his superiors.
The race went down to the wire.
If you touch that wire, you will receive a shock.
This cage is made of wire.
We extended a wire between two posts.
He used a wire to connect the new light.
It was evening and already dark but I saw a cat walking along a telephone wire. Can they do that, cats?
The hotel provided a wire in the bathroom for hanging wet clothes.
The children made sculptures out of wire.
Do you see the bird on the telephone wire?
Where did you get that piece of wire?
When a coil is moved near to a wire with current flowing in it current flows in the coil as well.
Wrap the wire in electrical tape.
Knowing how to hot wire a car may come in handy someday.
Which wire should I cut, the red one or the white one?
The building is surrounded by a barbed wire fence.
Maybe I can fix it with this piece of wire.
Tom had to climb the pole to fix the telephone wire.
Tom crawled under the barbed wire.
They strung the electric wire from pole to pole.
Should I cut the red wire or the green one?
What do you get if you cross a hedgehog and a snake? Five feet of barbed wire.

Movie subtitles

I'm more of a high wire myself.
I got a wire from an informant with a lead I've been waiting for.
And then there's a little clearing there. a little clearing with a wire fence around it.
You see that wire fence there?
Listen, children. All we got to do is to string a little wire.
Mind the wire. - Mind the wire.
Doctor, Mrs. Packard's on your private wire.
Wire Palm Beach.
Oh, and send this wire saying we're coming, and I'll see you in Rio.
I get back to New York and I get this wire.
You can wire home for money in Jacksonville.
Another wire from Peter Warne.
Wire this to them.
Hold the wire.
Surely you will have no objection if I wire the British embassy?
We've now moved from melodrama into knockabout comedy, with the invisible man leading us through a parade of Whale's expertly choreographed physical wire effects, all carefully rigged and executed by Al Johnson and Bob Laslow.
Although we have been seeing strictly wire effects here, Sherriff and Whale mix it with intriguing travelling-matte work you've just seen, for the cigarette lighter, the handling of the cigarette and smoking effect.
Now we're going to see more physical effects - mostly wire effects - coming up to get material out of his room and down to the street.
None of this involved travelling mattes, but it involved heavy-wire work that you couldn't see because of the thinness of the wires.
The next town we come to, you better wire your father.
So I've been thinking you better wire your father.
There's another wire from Peter.
Get off the wire, I want to talk business.
Wire to me.
I've just had a wire from him about a shipment of bulbs from Burma.
Yes, I see. And then there's a little clearing there. a little clearing with a wire fence around it.
Mind the wire.
Take a wire, please.
Put it in the wire.
I have a wire from New York authorities requesting us to hold you in custody pending the outcome of an investigation.
You can wire home for more when you get to Jacksonville.

News and current affairs

A clump of peeling buildings, rusting wire, and a filthy lavatory mark the start of Transdniestrian sovereignty.
Before anyone can consume a kilowatt-hour, a liter of water, or a bus ride, somebody has to get a copper wire, a pipe, and a road to their house.
As recently as the 1980's, phone calls over copper wire could carry only one page of information per second; today, a thin strand of optical fiber can transmit 90,000 volumes in a second.
Measures to improve the welfare of laying hens, which are typically kept crammed into bare wire cages with no room to stretch their wings, are also being phased in.
Isn't buying eggs from hens who have led a miserable life, jammed into small wire cages, needlessly causing, or being complicit in causing, the suffering of animals?
The hatred, open racism, and barely hidden longing for refugee camps surrounded by barbed wire that has emerged is, among other things, the result of a long-standing tolerance of intolerance in Central Europe.
Conditions are, if anything, even worse for laying hens crammed into wire cages so small that even if there were just one per cage, she would be unable to stretch her wings.
How can you have a viable state carved up by fences, military roads, and barbed wire?
In the egg industry, hens can barely move at all, because they are crammed into wire cages, which makes it possible to stack them in tiers, one above the other.
LONDON - If a clear signal was needed that the European Union is falling apart at an alarming rate, Hungary's construction of razor-wire fences along the border with its fellow EU member Croatia is it.
Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, which were annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, slipped in under the wire in 2004.
Razor-wire fences and political barriers are being erected in the path of asylum-seekers.
According to Dr. Abdul-Qadir Ahmed, the Iraqi official in charge that day, the huge magnets attached to giant spools of copper wire were simply part of the maintenance equipment for Iraq's power stations.
Huawei's recent failed bids for 2Wire and Motorola will only have rekindled this bitterness.
Aristotle was preoccupied with dental issues, writing about treatments of decayed teeth and gum disease, extractions conducted with forceps, and the use of wire to stabilize fractured jaws.
It is all a long way from the stable in Bethlehem that we read about in the New Testament - a location now ringed by Israel Defense Forces barbed wire.
For the most part, they resembled high-wire artists juggling borrowed money without a safety net.
But on the night of November 9th, when the wall and the barbed wire which had failed to irrevocably divide Germans over many decades of bitter separation began to crumble, communism's collapse became irreversible.