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inconstant sign

Examples inconstant sign examples

How do I use inconstant sign in a sentence?

Simple sentences

He was forced to sign the document.
Deaf-mute people talk using sign language.
Deaf people can converse in sign language.
Tom wanted to become a sign language interpreter.
Sign here.
This is not a good sign.
Sign this.
I won't sign this.
I just need you to sign this.
What's your sign?
This is a bad sign.
That was a good sign.
To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence.
I am alive even though I am not giving any sign of life.
All you have to do is sign this paper.
You have only to sign your name here.
All you have to do is sign your name here.
The manager sent the bunt sign to the batter.
We talked in sign language.
There is no sign of life on Mars.
Dark clouds are a sign of rain.
He was compelled to sign the contract.
The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid.
Dr. Patterson communicated with a gorilla using sign language.
Sign at the bottom, please.
The rain shows no sign of stopping.
The sign means that the answer is correct.
There was no sign of life in the house.

Movie subtitles

I'd sooner die than sign that!
His hands are a tell-tale sign, okay?
The sign is like that, the sign!
Just sign there.
Can you sign it for Melody?
Yeah, no sign of life.
When did you take the sign down?
Why did you take the sign down?
He may, or may not have had company and arrived back in time for the parade and will sign an affidavit if required.
The old sign for a bit of the old.
Would you just sign here, Mrs Mullucks?
If I'm not back within the hour, you may take it as a good sign.
I accept your homage to France, which grants you its protection, as a sign that the past has been forgiven.
That was. that was my sign. - Sign of what?
For now, I've lost Ivan's brainwaves, but there's no sign that he's left there.
There's no sign of anyone.
There's no sign of any recent communication.
I detect nothing. There's no sign of anyone else in the station.
If you do not sign, you will be burned alive.
Joan, sign.
Sign, Joan!
You ready to sign the lease?
It's just possible that a certain low-down coyote left his sign there.
There's plenty of buffalo sign out here, so I'll be riding out to pick up fresh meat.
That's Indian sign that he wants to palaver.
Just sign these and we'll get you to the airport and on a flight.
Why did we sign a peace agreement with the South?
It's almost 11:00 a.m., and still no sign of her yet again.
And that. that was it. That was. that was my sign.
Sign of what?
Margit, recalling the gypsy's words, makes the sign of the cross.
The leading lady arrives to sign her contract.
We can sign a contract right away.
Uncle, there's a For Sale sign on the barge.

News and current affairs

In justifying his refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocol, Bush has always referred to the fact that it did not commit China and India to mandatory emission limits.
To Wilders and his supporters, this is a sign of her molly-coddling of aliens, of appeasing Muslims.
Not long after the September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, these liberal reformers joined with 160 other professionals to write and sign a petition to Crown Prince Abdullah asking for reforms.
In order to maintain absolutist power and to minimize public anger, the Saudi princes, led by Prince Naif, asked the reformers to sign an agreement that they would never again ask for reform.
Obama's recognition of America's limitations is not a sign of cowardly pessimism, but of realistic wisdom.
So the schizophrenic American economy is a sign that the world is entering an economic era of truly wonderful things - if only we properly, and patiently, grasp them.
The attack on the South Korean naval ship Cheonan earlier this year may be a grim sign of things to come.
That such a meeting took place is a sign that both Pope and King believed that there was something to achieve.
Unfortunately, thus far, there is no sign that the crisis countries, above all France, are ready to bite the bullet.
In part, this is because creditors would otherwise stop extending credit and demand repayment at the first sign of trouble.
Although possessing these weapons of mass destruction is technically not illegal, most states are parties to the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention, which Syria has refused to sign.
Nim was born in 1973, in a primate research facility in Oklahoma, and was taken from his mother when he was only ten days old, to be used in a sign-language experiment.
Reared as part of a human family, he learned to use more than 100 signs from American Sign Language, the language used by Deaf Americans.
Russian liberals initially welcomed the Budanov case as a sign that the country might address accusations that war crimes were committed in Chechnya.
The Japan Investment Bank's decision to invest in port development in Burma - essential if the economy, too, is to be opened - is one positive sign that the world will keep pace with Thein Sein step for step.
And US President Barack Obama's decision to send Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Burma to meet Thein Sein is another clear sign that the world is ready to end the country's isolation.
But the expansion came to a shuddering halt in 2008, the first year in decades in which aggregate financial assets fell, and there is still little sign of a sustained recovery.
Instead, his outburst is best explained as a sign of frustration over the fact that French influence in the EU is being diluted.
Peaceful coexistence between different political systems is an attainable objective, and one to which all the world's major powers can sign up.
At the slightest sign of illegality, an investigation must be conducted, offenders prosecuted, and victims compensated.
At least it's a recovery, they claim, and a sign of healing that can be attributed mainly to the heroic, unconventional efforts of the US Federal Reserve.
Paradoxically, one indicator that has been improving steadily in the US - productivity - may be the clearest sign of the problem.
The US, inebriated by victory, saw in the triumph over the Soviet bloc another sign of its exceptionalism, and found itself taken in by the mirage that its Cold War success was itself a strategy.
The intervention by Turkey and Brazil into the globally divisive issue of Iran's nuclear program is but the latest, and also the clearest, sign of this new element in global affairs.
The clearest sign comes from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), of which Myanmar is a member.