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incense smoke

Examples incense smoke examples

How do I use incense smoke in a sentence?

News and current affairs

In a debt restructuring, the northern eurozone countries (including France) will see hundreds of billions of euros go up in smoke.
All the rest - scandals large and small, marijuana smoke, and errors of grammar - divert journalists but influence the results little.
To be sure, even open democracies have their share of opaque jockeying and deal-making in what used to be called smoke-filled rooms.
We have seen Enron-style fraud from corporate management, Arthur Anderson-style smoke and mirrors from accountants, and now Putnam Funds-style market-timing irregularities from mutual funds.
Moscow and its surroundings, with a population of more than 15 million inhabitants, were covered by smoke for many weeks.
The FPC, it should be emphasized, is chaired by the BoE's governor, so there is an element of smoke and mirrors here.
Nanny Grusha smelt of lamp oil, soap flakes, and chimney smoke.
It's smoke and mirrors, of course: nothing is there except the bold insistence that something is there: this ineffable yet essential thing called human rights.
The first smokers did not inhale tobacco smoke; that became possible only in the nineteenth century, when a new way of curing tobacco made the smoke less alkaline.
The FDA should therefore require that cigarette smoke be more alkaline, which would make it less easily inhaled, and so make it harder for cigarette smoke to reach the lungs.
But tobacco is not such a drug, given the dangers posed by secondhand smoke, especially when adults smoke in a home with young children.
If Nakasone, who now urges Koizumi to stop the Yasukuni pilgrimage, were to respond to Aso, he might simply extend the analogy: it is not in Japan's national interest to continue to inhale Koizumi's second-hand smoke.
Talk of human rights and democracy is nothing but a smoke screen for demonizing China.
ROME - A game of smoke and mirrors: this is how Italy's current electoral campaign appears - both to Italians and the wider world.
As Europe presses ahead with reform, the question for Italy is whether smoke and mirrors is all its politics have to offer.
Bhutanese may bring into the country small quantities of cigarettes or tobacco from India for their own consumption, but not for resale - and they must carry the import-tax receipt with them any time they smoke in public.
Health problems may take you to a clinic, but many of them start with how you behave at home - what you eat and drink, whether you smoke or exercise or sleep enough, etc.
We have long known that people smoke for the nicotine, but die from the smoke.
Other substances from tobacco smoke - such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which have antidepressant effects -reinforce tobacco dependence, but are absent from vaporized nicotine.
And it is tobacco smoke, not nicotine, that kills.
I hope it does not come to that, and that when the battle smoke clears, Cameron will be left - as he deserves to be - the only man standing.
Try to negotiate until white smoke comes up through the chimney.
As a result of drought and heat, more than 500 wildfires have raged out of control, smothering Moscow in smoke and threatening several nuclear facilities.
The low turnout and weakening of mainstream parties gives the European Council - national leaders of the EU's member states - a pretext to continue cutting deals in smoke-free rooms.
When the trees are cut and peatlands drained, the carbon accumulated over millennia is exposed and oxidized - often in the form of fires that envelope neighboring Singapore and Malaysia in smoke.