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hydraulic drive English

Synonyms hydraulic drive synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as hydraulic drive?

Examples hydraulic drive examples

How do I use hydraulic drive in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Can you drive a car?
I'll drive you to the airport.
I'll drive you home.
Can you drive?
Do you know how to drive a car?
He refused my offer to drive him home.
She doesn't know how to drive a car.
Tom didn't want Mary to drive his car.
Do you know how to drive?
Tom can drive.
Tom won't be able to drive for a while.
You can't drive.
If you drink, don't drive. If you drive, don't drink.
Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends.
What. you still don't know how to drive?
You had better not drive a car.
You can drive a car, can't you?
Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.
You'll be able to drive a car in a few days.
I'll teach you how to drive a car.
It is foolish of you to build a castle in the air while forgetting to drive in pilings for its foundation.
We'll go for a drive next Sunday.

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