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hospitalize English

Meaning hospitalize meaning

What does hospitalize mean?
Definitions in simple English


If someone is hospitalized, they are admitted into a hospital for treatment. My friend was hospitalized as he had a severe car accident.


(= hospitalise) admit into a hospital Mother had to be hospitalized because her blood pressure was too high

Synonyms hospitalize synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as hospitalize?

hospitalize English » English


Topics hospitalize topics

What do people use hospitalize to talk about?
  • What words refer to putting someone in the hospital?

Conjugation hospitalize conjugation

How do you conjugate hospitalize?

hospitalize · verb

Examples hospitalize examples

How do I use hospitalize in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

You'll hospitalize the entire battalion.
I will have to hospitalize her to examine her thoroughly but for now it's important that she stops taking these pills.
I'll hospitalize you!
Hospitalize for four or more TIAs in a two-week period.
Go, get lost before I hospitalize you.
I'd hospitalize her, this lady needs some rest.
No, let's hospitalize her.
Hospitalize her.
We need to institutionalize, I mean, hospitalize him right away.
Go ahead, hospitalize me!
They're going to hospitalize me.
No. Just hospitalize for 6 months.
Can't we hospitalize him after Eaton's visit?
I think it's best to hospitalize him, now.
Weíll hospitalize everybody tomorrow.
Mother-in-law, we should hospitalize him.
We'll have to hospitalize her.
One day of that kind of behavior, and they hospitalize her?
They won't hospitalize her.
I stink of gangrene. If they hospitalize me, they might save my arm.
Now that he knows I can hospitalize him.
You decided not to hospitalize her?
They're going to hospitalize you to examine you.
This is going to hospitalize me.
And You'll hospitalize me afterwards?
If they hospitalize me, they might save my arm.
In order for full recovery, we need to hospitalize you for a while. I see.
To be honest, Ozgur, we need to hospitalize you at once.
They're gonna hospitalize me.
I'll play for this team all right, Downton, but only cos I want to hospitalize some toffs.

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