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honourable post English

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honorable post

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News and current affairs

And the post-war social-democratic welfare state is being eroded more and more every day.
He could be a fierce turf fighter, yet it is fair to say that he could have fought harder for his moderate and dovish views in the post-1967 government in which he served.
At a time when public debate in Israel is torn between pseudo-religious nationalist fanatics and anti-Zionists masquerading as post-modernists, the moral certitudes of Eban, for all their urbanity, may sound shallow.
In the post-colonial period, the methods are better disguised.
The challenge of the post-2015 development agenda lies in finding creative solutions to support prosperity, equality, and sustainability.
There have been two eras since World War II when policymakers - American policymakers, at least - believed that they had solved the riddle of the business cycle and had learned how to manage a modern industrial or post-industrial economy.
In a post-crisis world, these are the footprints of a failed recovery.
But a post-crisis recovery is a very different animal.
As Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff have shown in their book This Time is Different, over the long sweep of history, post-crisis recoveries in output and employment tend to be decidedly subpar.
While none of these shocks appears to have been severe enough to have derailed the current global recovery, the combined effect is worrisome, especially in a still-weakened post-crisis world.
They continue to favor strategies that are better suited to combating crisis than to promoting post-crisis healing.
The likelihood of recurring growth scares for the next several years implies little hope for new and creative approaches to post-crisis monetary and fiscal policies.
Nor does time cushion anemic post-crisis recoveries from the inevitable next shock.
A failed recovery underscores the risks of an increasingly treacherous endgame in today's post-crisis world.
International support so far has been generous, but it is still well below per capita equivalents for other post-conflict situations - and the need is much greater.
Get used to it. In a post-crisis world, these are the footprints of a failed recovery.
But America is having a hard time understanding the new circumstances of the post-Cold war era.
According to a recent World Bank-supported survey of companies interested in carbon finance, only one in five respondents declared that they were interested in buying post-2012 emissions reductions.

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