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harvest-lice English

Meaning harvest-lice meaning

What does harvest-lice mean?


erect perennial Old World herb of dry grassy habitats

Synonyms harvest-lice synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as harvest-lice?

harvest-lice English » English

Agrimonia eupatoria agrimony agrimonia

Examples harvest-lice examples

How do I use harvest-lice in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Some day you will have to reap the harvest of your own sowing.
The fields yielded a good harvest.
When will you harvest your wheat?
A spell of fine weather enabled us to get the harvest in safely.
We're expecting a good harvest this year.
There has been a good apple harvest this year.
There was a large harvest of peaches last year.
I began driving our tractor when I was 12 years old to help my father out at harvest time.
In the fall we harvest our summer crops.
This year promises a good harvest of rice.
We all helped with the harvest.
Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have gone up in the last six months.
The wheat is ready for harvest.
The drought did severe damage to the harvest.
The power delivered by a one square metre solar panel is approximately one watt. Therefore it is currently difficult to harvest solar energy on a grand scale.
The rains ruined the harvest.

News and current affairs

As a result, they grow food the traditional way, often earning little or nothing from their harvest, because it's not even enough to keep their families alive.
Children in Central America harvest crops sprayed with pesticides.
For example, by planting scientifically engineered crops that grow faster, farmers can harvest them before, say, cyclone season, which will become increasingly violent as global temperatures rise.
A more immediate challenge is ensuring that crops receive sufficient water, which requires building and maintaining efficient irrigation systems to stabilize yields and enable farmers to harvest an additional crop each year.
For example, in subsistence rural areas, a bad harvest may lead to starvation before the next year's crop is in.
North Korea's next mini-harvest is not due until late June.
But that harvest will not even be as good as last year's abysmal one.
As world leaders gather in Johannesburg to discuss global environmental threats, many parts of the planet are battered by floods, droughts, harvest failures, massive forest fires, and even new diseases.
Year after year, the Russian Central Bank (RCB) blames the weather, the poor harvest, or other non-monetary factors for its feeble performance in lowering the inflation rate.
Individual farmers were taxed until they entered the collective, and collective farms were allowed to seize individual farmers' seed grain, used to plant the next year's harvest.
In Ukraine, the harvest failed in 1931.
The long-term concern is that fishing is intended to be selective; fishermen aim to harvest the most profitable species and the most profitable sizes within species.
Indeed, on virtually every politically volatile issue--from nuclear testing to communal conflict - Congress sowed the seeds and Vajpayee's nationalist BJP party reaps the hideous harvest.
Populist movements harvest that ambivalence and discontent.
While my wheat stalks are sprouting on schedule, I now fear that at harvest time - in November - prices will fall and I won't recoup my costs.
Even now, there is enough food in the world, with a bumper harvest this year, but more people cannot afford to buy the food they need.
By contrast, West African rice farmers harvest only 1.5 tons per hectare of traditional upland rice annually, while other cereals yield no more than one ton - a figure comparable to yields in medieval Europe.
With these reforms, Mexico can finally begin to harvest the fruits of ten years of stability and continuity -- not a mean feat for a country which had previously had major crises in every decade since the 1960s.
As Jake Ratner, a young activist who works for Just Harvest USA, points out, global corporations are often insulated from traditional tactics like boycotts.
In the market for fresh vegetables, for example, prices must balance the supply and demand for the current harvest.
Madi's earnings help him keep his children in school, even at the height of the cotton harvest.
During the last harvest, when 100-degree heat forced him, his wives, and his mother to stop picking cotton after a few hours, he returned to his compound to tend to his ducks.
For example, chemical pesticide or pollen from genetically engineered plants wafting from an adjacent field onto an organic crop does not affect the harvest's status.

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