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handlead survey English

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What other words have the same or similar meaning as handlead survey?

handlead survey English » English

handlead sounding

Examples handlead survey examples

How do I use handlead survey in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The results of the survey will be announced in due course.
According to a survey, 1 billion people are suffering from poverty in the world.
According to a survey, 1 thousand million people are suffering from poverty in the world.
I am not interested in taking part in a survey: neither now nor in the future.
A survey shows that many businessmen skip lunch.
The results of the survey will be announced at the appropriate time.
This survey is too long to finish quickly.
According to a survey, three in five people today are indifferent to foreign affairs.
A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing.
He participated in an online survey.
We're conducting a survey.

Movie subtitles

I'm pausing the primary survey till the patient gets something for the pain.
Resuming the primary survey.
Then maybe we should take a survey and find out what other people think.
I have already started a survey on our most urgent needs.
I am positive my survey is more important. than finding out whether three of our comrades have been. drinking some extra glasses of champagne.
I suppose it's legal for Rigby to run a new survey. and tell a man he don't own his own farm.
According to our survey, your line ends on the other side of the road.
It's called the National Public Survey.
Well, you see, on a survey, we usually.
He's not interested in the survey, and I promised him he wouldn't be bothered.
You see, after all, survey or no survey, I'm not going to start by breaking an egg.
Why, you're not on a survey at all.
We're making a survey of everyone living on this block.
This catalogue of northern stars was also called a 'Durchmusterung', a German word for survey.
Once this was finished, in June 1952, the first large survey along the Milky Way equator started.
After Van de Hulst's Oxford Lecture a second survey started in November 1953.
In this survey we not only observed along the Milky Way equator, but also 10 degrees above and 10 degrees below. We observed several hundreds of positions.
The outer arm, that was also observed in the previous survey, and the dark coloured areas in the inner parts of the Galaxy.
That was the great result from the survey done at Kootwijk in collaboration with our colleagues from Sydney.
I thought you were going to let that wait until that new survey engineer fellow. - You mean Willis?
There's that 500 acres I want you to survey.
Engineer, Ordnance Survey.
What's the Ordnance Survey?
Of all I survey lf you were king, you wouldn't be afraid of anything?
I was sent from Washington to make a general survey of Army camps.
Charlie, don't be late back. The survey men are coming at 4:00.
He's not interested in a survey and I promised him he wouldn ' t be bothered.
Survey or no survey, I'm not going to start by breaking an egg.
Consumer Price Survey.
Thirsty, without provisions, with little hope of survival, I set out to survey my fate.
Come, valiant gentlemen. let us survey the vantage of the ground.
I've hardly had time to make a comparative survey.
Survey Officer, right?
You said you wanted an independent survey of that wreck.

News and current affairs

In the United Kingdom, recent survey results are ambiguous.
Their financial trust index, based on a large-scale survey of financial decision-makers in American households, did show a sharp fall in trust in late 2008 and early 2009, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
A pan-European opinion survey, which has been carried out for many years, allows us to relate the two.
According to a recent World Bank-supported survey of companies interested in carbon finance, only one in five respondents declared that they were interested in buying post-2012 emissions reductions.
A recent survey in the US by the organization Common Sense Media reveals a paradox, but one that is perfectly understandable.
Indeed, the last Eurobarometer survey on the Lisbon Strategy found that the European public sees little relation between EU policies and economic competitiveness.
Indeed, according to the first complete survey of the economic effects of climate change for the world, global warming will actually save lives.
Between 2001 and 2003, I was part of a team that undertook an extensive survey of values in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, and Jordan.
Beyond the survey data, history has shown that liberal ideas become more popular when a despotic monarch governs people in alliance with a religious establishment.
Now survey data, too, suggest that Saudis may well begin demanding a more transparent politics and a less interventionist religion.
The General Administration of Quality and Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine conducted a survey and reported that nearly one-fifth of all products made in China for domestic use did not measure up to safety and quality standards.
One recent survey shows that the number of users registered with China's ten most popular bulletin boards, which focus on news and political affairs, range from 100,000 to 500,000.
This requires data upon which to base the rise in mortality, usually derived by conducting a household survey on a random sample of the population.
The survey approach was used twice by a group of researchers based primarily at Johns Hopkins University, who published their results in the medical journal The Lancet.
In the United States, there is now a more systematic, independent survey promoted by economists at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Furthermore, the survey showed that declining trust was strongly correlated with financial behavior.
Fortunately, the latest survey, published in July this year, shows that trust in banks and bankers has begun to recover, and quite sharply.
On that planet, we see rankings in the upper 90's for the survey's five categories: justice, health, education, economics, and politics.
A recent UNICEF survey of 126 countries shows that a significant number of low- and middle-income countries are expected to reduce public expenditures in 2010-2011.
According to a 2007 survey, the United States is far ahead of the rest of the world in terms of gun ownership, with 90 guns for every 100 citizens.
If the only economics course you take is the typical introductory survey, or if you are a journalist asking an economist for a quick opinion on a policy issue, that is indeed what you will encounter.

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