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hand-dye English

Meaning hand-dye meaning

What does hand-dye mean?


dye by hand This fabric is hand-dyed

Synonyms hand-dye synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as hand-dye?

hand-dye English » English

handcolour handcolor

Examples hand-dye examples

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News and current affairs

Forest clearing, on the other hand, is probably best stopped by economic incentives, perhaps combined with regulatory limits.
On the other hand, financial incentives would probably succeed, because cutting down forest to create pastureland is not profitable enough to induce farmers to forego payments for protecting the land.
The environmental destruction of the delta is part of a larger saga: corrupt companies operating hand in hand with corrupt government officials.
Likewise, in an age when corporate lobbyists have a free hand in shaping - if not drafting - public policies, many people believe, again rightly, that their elected officials no longer represent them.
On the other hand, the move sets a worrying precedent, injecting politics into a policy area that had been governed by objective economic considerations.
Of course, excuses are at hand: the magnitude of the economic downturn was not anticipated and the increased expenditures to fight terrorism could not be foretold.
The world's advice givers might try to keep this in mind when offering to help leaders of distant countries that are grappling with problems with which the adviser has little or no first-hand experience.
Greece, on the other hand, is under the influence of a strong import lobby.
Allowing opium traffickers to operate with impunity gives them a free hand to raise money to pay for the arms and fighters battling the Afghan army and NATO forces.
Therefore, security and development must go hand in hand.
Such campaigns go hand-in-hand with expanded farming, because sellers of these foods prefer nearby growers - even if these growers increasingly live in the city.
On both occasions, however, the regime's hardliners gained the upper hand, crushing prospects for reform.
On the one hand, the Court's actions often have political consequences: however well-founded, accusing the leader of a rebel army may be seen as taking sides in a conflict.
On the other hand, the Court cannot charge - or refrain from charging - a senior political or military official responsible for grave crimes solely to avert negative political repercussions.
The long history of Africa's exploitation demands that this concern not be dismissed out of hand.
Euro-skepticism, on the other hand, and the looming threat of anti-European populism, is directly linked to the idea that the EU is not merely incapable of offering a solution to the crisis, but in fact is part of the problem.
In conferring on Liu one of the world's highest honors, the Committee would be signaling once again the importance of human rights and democracy on the one hand, and world peace and international solidarity on the other.

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