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gyratory motion English

Synonyms gyratory motion synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as gyratory motion?

gyratory motion English » English

rotary motion gyroscopic motion

Examples gyratory motion examples

How do I use gyratory motion in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Never open the door of a car that is in motion.
It was like watching a slow motion movie.
They took a vote on the motion.
I want to see the scene in slow motion.
Are you in favor of this motion?
They showed the scene in slow motion.
The bus was already in motion when he tried to board it.
Mary made a slight motion with her head.
Our planet, Earth, is always in motion.
There were 215 votes for the motion and 15 votes against it.
The motion was carried unanimously.
The motion was approved unanimously.
Passengers shall not converse with the driver while the bus is in motion.
The scene was shown in slow motion.
Behind thermodynamics lie the movements of atoms and molecules following the laws of motion learned in the first volume.
I get motion sickness.
Tom thinks he has invented a perpetual motion machine.
The motion was unanimously adopted.
Don't get off while the vehicle is in motion.
I second the motion.
No one supported his motion.

Movie subtitles

The screenplay to this motion picture was inspired by actual events that occurred during a twenty year period in the life of the great mountains.
She's not used to the motion.
I shall take the motion for dismissal under advisement until tomorrow and hear the state's arguments then.
I motion we adjourn to the nearest saloon and talk over this episode at length.
I second the motion.
She's making all this up out of motion pictures.
I thought I saw you with that red-headed skirt in a motion picture.
If the Senator permits this motion, he won't have the floor to babble with or anything else.
Well, it's the right motion.
You know, sometimes, when you're out in the night.. andyoulookupatthestars, youcan almost feel the motion of the Earth.
Motion picture director.
Do I hear a motion for adjournment?
Who seconds Lord Denby's motion?
It'll also set the micro-drones operation back in motion.
He's able to change the temperature so drastically by aligning air molecules according to the direction of motion.
Oh, I second the motion.
I second the motion. Aye.
Feel the motion, the groundswell?
Yeah. You know, sometimes, when you're out in the night.. andyoulookupatthestars, youcan almost feel the motion of the Earth.
The cogs were in motion.
Second the motion.
Motion denied.
Are these shows to be given only by motion picture people?
Rebecca, that zoning motion you just turned in?
In person. Not a motion picture, Nick.
But write it about motion pictures and lay off the private lives.
Therefore, Mr. Chairman, I make a motion to dissolve this institution and turn its assets and liabilities over to the receiver.
I second Mr. Potter's motion.
I want my motion.
Ladies and gentlemen. the motion picture you are about to see is called The Naked City.
Real estate, insurance, perpetual motion machines, yachts.
The whole place seemed stricken with a creeping paralysis, out of beat with the rest of the world, crumbling apart in slow motion.
Well, I make a motion that we never let a woman come between us.

News and current affairs

At that point, the trouble grabbed widespread attention, destroyed public confidence, and set in motion a negative feedback loop.
Chaos theory in mathematics explains such dependency on remote and seemingly trivial initial conditions, and explains why even the extrapolation of apparently precise planetary motion becomes impossible when taken far enough into the future.
Success in peacefully removing a tyrant has set in motion a process of national renewal.
Europe will join America in a downturn, reinforcing America's decline and setting in motion a global downward spiral.
Failure would mean succumbing to a mid-air stall, with tepid forward motion giving way to a sudden loss of altitude.
First, the fight for human dignity and respect for life, as with any struggle for human rights, is set in motion and tenaciously pursued by members of civil society, by individuals more than by states.
In reality, entry will push forward trends set in motion well before China joined the WTO.
We have set in motion the internal procedures and facilities that will allow us to provide resources quickly, with conditions limited to the core crisis-policy response at hand.
True, genocide has become a magic word, and people think that its mere evocation triggers the strong outrage of the world community and perforce sets in motion UN intervention.
It is almost unbelievable, but three years later the liberalising policies that followed a currency reform set in motion what came to be known as Germany's economic miracle.
GENEVA - Europe's slow-motion sovereign-debt crisis may appear unique, but it is not.
When the German engineer Karl Benz invented the first petroleum-powered automobile, he did not just create an engine with wheels; he set in motion an industry that revolutionized the way society was structured.
A plan of attack that involved hundreds of people was put in motion, and yet the massive infrastructure of India's government discovered nothing.
Many forces behind the boom of the 1990's, including advances in technology, were set in motion before Bill Clinton took office (just as the legacy of President George W. Bush's deficits will be felt long after he leaves).
The motion was subsequently revoked; but the fact that it was put forward at all is astonishing enough.
At the same time, the Palestinians become objects of romanticized identifications - one of the leaders of the NAFTHE motion was seen, prior to a meeting, draped in a Palestinian flag - and unwitting condescension.
But such a dynamic does now seem to be in motion.
Ban generously and inspiringly offered his support to the brave youth leaders in both countries who are at the forefront of the political changes set in motion this year.
In any case, on March 11, when Michelle Bachelet crosses the presidential sash over her chest, a new Chile will set itself in motion.
Perhaps the speculative-inflow scenario will play out, but in slow motion.
Though the 2008 financial crisis has passed, we remain stuck in the emotional cycle that it set in motion.
In any case, on March 11, when Michelle Bachelet crosses the presidential sash over her chest, a new Chile will set itself in motion. The first truly post-Pinochet-era government will have begun.
Observing the EU from the outside is like watching a train collision in slow motion - and one that was announced at the station.

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