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guise English

Meaning guise meaning

What does guise mean?


an artful or simulated semblance under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

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Movie subtitles

Matyushenko, under the guise of breaking ranks, calls the sailors to the gun turret.
Mr. Marlows dipsomania enabled us to introduce our nationals into his employ under the guise of workers and servants.
And, as for that marconi original operating under the guise of a modern radio, that gave nothing but static.
Perhaps he appeared to you in mortal guise as I do.
It's the devil in the guise of a nun!
It's a nun in the guise of the devil!
Now he's taking his rage out in these critical pieces under the guise of high standards.
When the servants of Kroll appear in his guise, they are part of him.
When the servants of Kroll appear in his guise, they are part of him, doing as he bids them.
Under the guise of being an ally, a cowardly trap.
This police is headed by an ex-criminal named Hiron who, under the guise of.
Under the guise of a patriotic club owner out to spare Jackie Kennedy from testifying at a trial Jack Ruby is let into a garage by one of his inside men on the police force.
Under the guise of founding a golf school.
Your brothers, Guise.
So I took on her guise.
The girl, whose guise I took on. - l beg of you!
But, next week, you'll see them under different circumstances, and in a totally dissimilar guise.
It's because of our sins that evil has taken a human guise.
You will go in the guise of Colonel Wilhelm Klink.
Here I'm pulling a holdup in the guise of Commissioner Juve.
I'm saying that our government has embarked on a programme to swallow up nations such as this under the guise of helping them.
You come into my house in the guise of a faithful companion.
Through the guise of a magic act you substituted yourself for Nicolai.
Do you think you could be equally deceptive in the guise of one not quite so young as that?
Manipulating me to this island. under the guise of investigating Arthur Bellows' death.
To me. in the guise of an old beggar.
And it's impossible that she's hidden in the guise of a young man.
When you came in the guise of a Kiev investigator, I knew at once that you were a petty crook.
If some of the diverse forms of the same alienation. do battle among themselves in the guise of total choice, it's because they're all built upon the real repressed contradictions.
Here's a killer whale in familiar guise: Tamed, on exhibition.
And who under the guise of collecting waste paper blew out of the apartment jar of jam and a book?
Our plan is to acquire all of this land under the guise of an amusement park.
He's an evil spirit in human guise.
Since she was standing on a dark street corner in her harlot's guise- -she was dragged along with the mob and sang that song with the others.
Mr Clam is attending in the guise of Edward the Confessor.

News and current affairs

But the host of the celebration, Russia, in the guise of the Soviet Union, itself caused the war - the bloodiest in European history - whose end is being commemorated.
Namibia's President Sam Nujoma complains that the West wants to impose its decadent sexual values on Africa through the guise of gay tolerance.
One is found in the postcommunist countries of East and Southeast Europe, a surprising number of which have elected members of the old nomenklatura under a new guise.
A more relevant example may well be Turkey, where Islamist movements were dissolved by the courts; when they reappeared in a different guise, they had to undergo severe tests.
Public policy concerning mental illness must, therefore, consider carefully the potential for imposing unjustified social and political values on people in the guise of the classification of disease.
It will have to be guaranteed jointly and severally - and that means eurobonds in one guise or another.
As a result, jihadism would rush back in, though perhaps in a different guise.
After all, contract killings and random shootings in restaurants are common affairs, and the idea of excessive protection from everyone goes back to Soviet days, when social contempt was cloaked in the guise of public safety.
Under the guise of US-inspired constitutional arrangements, the Shia majority has succeeded in arrogating near-absolute power to itself.
This, of course, is just the story of subprime mortgages in another guise.
Was Morsi's ouster a classic counterrevolution in the guise of a military coup?
After all, when I met with them, I posed the same question in a different guise, emphasizing the likely distributional effects of trade.
They therefore presume that, despite American professions to the contrary, the US seeks BMD capabilities that can negate Russia's strategic deterrent under the guise of protecting America and its allies from Iran.
Their complaint: the course propagates conservative ideology in the guise of economic science and helps perpetuate social inequality.
Putin's Russia, which pays little attention to the rule of law, cloaks its diplomatic effort in the guise of adherence to international law, in particular UN Security Council resolution 1244, which ended the 1999 Kosovo war.
But it would be a terrible mistake simply to super-size the IMF in its current guise by greatly scaling up its lending facilities, as many propose.
One reaction has been to look for radically new marketing strategies, as in the case of the up-market Jimmy Choo brand of women's shoes, now to be sold in a simpler guise by the low-price mass retailer Hampamp;M.
The New Right, typified by the Bush-Cheney administration, is really old corporatism in a new guise.

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