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guest rancher English

Meaning guest rancher meaning

What does guest rancher mean?

guest rancher

A person who operates a guest ranch.

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News and current affairs

He will never get a guest-worker program without Democratic support, which in turn is unlikely unless the White House supports access to a program for unauthorized immigrants already in the US that includes some type of path to residence and citizenship.
I have fed at its trough many times - as a personal guest; as an advisory board member of Stop Badware, an NGO it sponsors; and as a speaker at its events.
Both guard their social standing jealously - and may even punish a guest who attends the other's party by withholding future invitations.
US President George W. Bush, for example, is seeking balance on the immigration issue by proposing to restrict, but not eliminate, guest worker entry.
His proposal - which lies somewhere between the extremes of building a wall on the US-Mexican frontier and open borders on the other - is the right approach when guest workers could be disguised terrorists.
Compensating for the expected diminution of guest workers on the global stage is a likely increase in outsourcing, which provides an alternative and potentially more attractive way to import labor services when globalization is tainted by terrorism.
Like guest workers, outsourcing imports labor services, but the foreign workers stay in their own backyards.
Bush may be right on guest workers, but his controversial proposal to have a Dubai-based company run six US ports is a big mistake.
This is a guest list that says to an anxious electorate: I respect you, wherever you are on the socioeconomic scale.
So a war against the Taliban and their guest, Osama bin Laden, could be construed as a war for female liberation.
But he stood there until the last person had passed and personally welcomed every guest.
Germany, for example, has a large population of guest workers, but few settle there with their families; most leave their children in their homeland.
As a member of the UN Security Council, Russia was duty-bound to arrest him. Yet it treated him as an official guest, granting him meetings with the Defense Minister and chief of staff of the armed forces.
I was offered a taste of this as a guest on a well-respected TV cultural program.
Likewise, India is all in a quandary over how to handle protocol during Sarkozy's impending visit to the subcontinent as the guest of honor at the country's Republic Day celebrations on January 26.
The EU's embassies in Havana will now craft their guest lists in accordance with the Cuban government's wishes.
I was in Pakistan as a state guest.
Indeed, Liu is the British Council's guest of honor for the event.
No British governmental institution would have invited the chief Soviet censor as its guest of honor at an event celebrating Russian literature.
Children of guest workers feel unwanted.
The Japanese government simply got rid of its Iranian guest workers when jobs dried up.
Now Arafat's former deputy, Abu Mazen, is a frequent and welcome guest in our country.
At a gala reception, he went up to one guest, mistaking him for a local, and asked what it felt like to be able to vote and enjoy freedom under the rule of law.
Yet it treated him as an official guest, granting him meetings with the Defense Minister and chief of staff of the armed forces.
But the GCC members' failure to open their economies - which are always in need of guest workers - to Yemen's young men is short-sighted.
Merely finalizing the guest list would be a major diplomatic feat.
President Hamid Karzai has been a regular guest at SCO summits since 2004, and has called on the SCO to make combating narcotics trafficking a priority.

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