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give toco English

Meaning give toco meaning

What does give toco mean?

give toco

to administer a physical blow

Examples give toco examples

How do I use give toco in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You should give up smoking.
You must give up smoking.
I will give you a bicycle for your birthday.
You should not give up your hope.
You must not give up hope.
Don't give up hope.
I didn't give up for lack of hope.
Give me a break.
I will give you back the CD in a week.
Give me a second chance.
Please give me a glass of milk.
I may give up soon and just nap instead.
Maybe I'll just give up soon and take a nap instead.
I might give up soon and have a kip instead.
Do you need me to give you some money?
I would like to give him a present for his birthday.
Give me time to give you everything I have!
I give you my word.
Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.
Give him an inch and he will take a yard.
If you give him an inch, he'll take a mile.
It's over between us. Give me back my ring!
I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue.
I didn't mean to give you that impression.

Movie subtitles

Let's go. I can't give you my heart, but I can give you food.
Give me that chance.
I can not give you any..
Heavenly Father, as we prepare to turn in for the night, we ask that you give us the.
I texted everyone that we have to give Elder Price a chance.
Please give me one more chance!
Give me one more chance!
Give Elder Cunningham a break!
The mission president wants to meet me personally and he's gonna give me a medal!
My people wish to give you a special welcome.
Elder! Elder, I wanted to give you this.
When Joseph Smith died, they did not give up on their hope.
Please, if you just give me a chance? Elder!
In the meantime, Henk van de Huist received an invitation from Oxford to give the famous Halley Lecture in May 1953.
Our task was to process the observations from Kootwijk, do some calculations and give the results to Van de Hulst so that he could put together a map.
Let's give it a try and start at the beginning.
My father wants to give me to a friend of his.
Don't worry. The barber will give your willy a clean cut.
Will you give her to me now?
What will you give me for that?
Give them a horse so they can leave my sight!
I'll even give them wives.
Give me the 3 prisoners.
Go get help at the village. We'll give them a nice burial.
So what's he waiting for? It's time to give that territory its own statute.
Maybe I should give up and leave.
We have to stay, change these people, give them laws, civilize them.
Just give her the money and she'll give you the sandwiches.
And they hardly give permission to anyone.
Yeah, just give me a couple of days to set it up.
Yeah, I'd totally watch that game, and I don't even give a crap about soccer.
If that doesn't give us what we need, we employ enhanced interrogation techniques.
I will give you one piece of advice.
Can I give you a flower?
I don't know what's happening, but whatever he wants, just give it to him.
Give me a break.
Also, how can you give the regency to her?
I'll give you 10 minutes to decide.
After I finished helping to give out breakfast in the morning, I'm currently a volunteer at a bank. I'm doing very well now, so don't worry.
We, North Korea will also give our bit of strength too.

News and current affairs

Improved agricultural productivity would benefit rural areas and give farmers a comparative share in the Union's growing wealth.
That is a real enough danger to which policymakers must give serious thought as they reform the CAP on the basis of the following five pillars.
But donor countries want to see the money they give to finance schools or health clinics spent on schools and health clinics; they don't want to see it added to a nation's reserves.
At first sight, the easiest answer to the problem of low voter turnout is to give more power to the European Parliament.
And it is doubtful that we really care enough about others, or give enough to the less fortunate.
We don't do it, because we give safety a lower priority than our desire to spend less time driving.
It should give member states the chance to develop an approach to Europe that suits their national traditions, within the EU framework.
In the US, such an agency could have weighed in on the costs and benefits of bailout plans, perhaps helping to end congressional paralysis and steeling nerves to give taxpayers more upside risk.
But from the start, the EU should give a signal by unilaterally opening its border to imports from the region.
One hopes that this will lend comfort to him, and give a moral boost to Chinese who share his views.
Second, they should give Turkey a fair deal in the negotiations.
It would give developing nations a strong incentive to accept mandatory quotas, because if they can keep their per capita emissions low, they will have excess emissions rights to sell to the industrialized nations.
Does diversity authorize such brutal deaths and senseless violence against women simply because some supposedly traditional practice allows them to be married before their bodies are ready and denies them health care when they give birth?
The confused reaction to this verdict should, perhaps, give pause to all those who think that putting the past on trial is a straightforward thing.
But a financial crisis does not give policymakers the time that they once had to explain to voters why one step required another.
The question now is whether governments will give Judge Goldstone's findings the serious attention they deserve, or instead fall back into an overtly political posture.
Closer to home, ASEAN's recent decision to give Burma a chance to chair the organization in 2014 underscores its neighbors' desire for the country's full participation in Asia's growing prosperity.
But financial markets are in no mood to give Greece time, which brings us to the second major problem facing the country.
As a result, any country formulating strategies to counter the destructive forces of globalization should give overriding priority to a self-centred economic development strategy, preferably within a regional framework.
Souley Madi is one of the most productive cotton growers in the Badjengo Cameroon, an area where the lush forests of central Africa give way to the semi-arid Sahel.
My parents put their hope in the Oslo Accords signed in 1993, and decided that they could give us a better life here.

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