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fusible plug English

Synonyms fusible plug synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as fusible plug?

fusible plug English » English

safety plug fused plug

Examples fusible plug examples

How do I use fusible plug in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Connect the plug to the socket.
Disconnect the plug.
We must find something to plug up this hole.
Plug up that leak!
I'm pulling the plug.
Let's plug up the hole.
The only plug-in that crashes on my browser is Flash.
Do not touch the plug of the AC power cord with wet hands.
If the plug gets dirty, wipe it off with a dry cloth before insertion.
Plug this in.
Tom yanked the plug from the wall.
Tom pushed the plug into the socket.
Never plug your finger into the socket.
Where is the plug for the razor?
The plug won't come out.

Movie subtitles

I got a notion to plug you.
I had three bucks on that plug, and he ain't gonna run now because he's scratched.
Keep away from me, I tell you, or I'll plug you.
I won't pay a plug nickel now or ever. All right, I give up.
If you shoot, he'll plug me.
Where does your microphone plug in?
You'll have to plug the leaks as best you can, Andy.
And what a plug.
But if they get me, my life won't be worth a plug nickel.
Plug him and he drops, same as anybody else.
Plug it in.
Buy it to plug your ears.
Plug on number one.
A plug is apparently burning.
Ah, I bet you decided to plug yourself in directly, huh?
When Helton comes out of his room, plug him.
What'll we plug him with?
I was trying to plug it in.
That's not the place to plug it in! Give it to me!
I'm going to lock the door, plug the bell, cut the telephone. and crawl into bed for a month.
Shorty, plug in that field set.
I don't think they can make it. Plug in that outside set.
Wait, I'll plug it in here.
If you don't tell me where the bomb is I'll plug your friend here so full of holes he'll look like a Swiss cheese.
Pal of his has got a song, and he's plugging it. And what a plug.
Well, he suggested I should plug away alone for the rest of this week and next.
Bruno had to plug him.
I won't pay a plug nickel now or ever.
Let's plug his nose with newspapers.
I know. I plug them or they'll plug me.
I'll put in a plug.
And what a plug. He's grabbed off the Metropolitan Opera House with the full orchestra. conducted by this fellow Tommaso. whatever his name is.
One minute you're yammering. because I don't love you enough. and when I go out and show you how much I do. you're wanting to plug me.
Send Pearl out here. or I'll plug you from here to breakfast.
Hey, George, don't take any plug nickels.
She's the safest plug in the stable.

News and current affairs

So the Communist Party is trapped in the internet, because the government cannot pull the plug on it without hamstringing the economy.
Cocom provided an opportunity to settle squabbles and plug loopholes quietly.
Central banks are currently attempting to plug one leak as the next appears.
Moreover, pulling the plug on the euro could unleash the dark forces of nationalism and protectionism.
As a result, they can pull the plug on the program if its stringent criteria are not met.
As central bankers and finance ministers ponder how to intervene to prop up the dollar, they should also start thinking about what to do when the time comes to pull the plug.
First, US President Barack Obama should pull the plug on CIA covert operations.
As long as we rely on technical fixes to plug moral gaps and governments rush in with rescue packages that enable the merry-go-round to start up again, we are bound to keep lurching from frenzy to frenzy, punctuated by intervals of collapse.
The US must carry out fundamental reforms of its financial system to plug the equity leaks and recover investors' confidence.
Illicit Afghan networks, replicating well-known methods that organized crime has applied successfully for decades in other parts of the world, are mobile and resourceful, and can plug into a range of legal economic activities to sustain themselves.
Pulling the plug on TV-6 was a sad day for Vladimir Putin's Russia.
Big international banks pour in lots of short term capital into a region, and then suddenly pull the plug, demanding immediate repayments, and being unwilling to roll over the credits.
So America's Treasury Secretary quipped before President Nixon pulled the plug on the Bretton Woods system three decades ago.
Ghana needs foreign donors to plug the gap in its finances and assist us in standing on our own two feet.
In that case, countercyclical policies - both fiscal and monetary - could eventually be expected to plug the demand hole and get the economy going again, just as Keynesians argue.
The US auto industry should be re-tooled for low-carbon-emission automobiles, either plug-in hybrids or pure battery-operated vehicles.
But eventually central banks must pull the plug. Otherwise they will end up in intensive care themselves as credit losses overwhelm their balance sheets.
Much more innovation is on the way, led by General Motors' plug-in hybrid vehicle, the Chevy Volt, at the end of 2010.
In that case, new profits could quickly be used to plug the gaps, and no one would ever know about an apparently successful deception.
But what is needed now are policies that will allow WANA to join the third industrial revolution - the post-carbon economy of renewable energy and the fuel-cell plug-in car.
In some parts of Africa, cotton growers are expanding production, providing proof that if the US and Europe did somehow curtail their own cotton output, Africans could plug the gap.
We will need to switch from cars with internal-combustion engines to hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery-powered, and fuel-cell-powered vehicles.

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