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Examples frog’s-stomach examples

How do I use frog’s-stomach in a sentence?

Simple sentences

My stomach is rumbling.
Tom has a cast iron stomach. He can eat just about anything.
Tom doesn't like working on an empty stomach.
I don't like working on an empty stomach.
I have a stomach ulcer.
I cannot stomach what Tom said to me.
I sleep on my stomach.
My stomach is clenched with hunger.
Drinking on an empty stomach is bad for your health.
I have butterflies in my stomach.
The pain in my stomach has gone.
I got a stomach tumor and had to have it operated on.
My stomach hurts.
Do you feel any pain in your stomach?
I had a bad stomach-ache.
You should especially not drink on an empty stomach.
The cancer has spread to her stomach.
The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach.
I suffer from a stomach ache.
The stomach is one of the internal organs.

Movie subtitles

Neither stomach contents suggests consumption of a meat pie.
Yes. In examining the dog's stomach contents, we found a barely digested piece of beef steak.
She analyzed Mr. Dubois's stomach emissions and found that, along with a minuscule amount of strychnine, there was a large quantity of ipecac.
You know, I have a stomach ache.
As a matter of fact, I'm going upstairs to get your partner a stomach pump.
He's been hit in the stomach.
How about my breakfast? How do I bring a curtain down on an empty stomach?
Your stomach rumbling.
After all, you can't have a divorce on an empty stomach.
I would, but I've got a weak stomach.
Brandy settles your stomach and the cucumber and champagne sets you up.
Russ, my stomach wants to know how my credit is.
Well, if your stomach's as good as your credit, you'll live to be 100.
I like coffee, and my stomach's been getting weaker every day.
My stomach hurts.
I have a stomach ache!
But it's stomach in, chest out, and back on your feet, or you end up in a pauper's grave!
On its stomach.
Of course, you're saving your stomach.
How do you expect me to bring a curtain down on an empty stomach?
I got a stomach problem too.
Your stomach notes are beautiful.
The only thing he can keep on his stomach is a hot-water bottle.
Thinking of your stomach before my pride.
Keep the wind in the sails and out of your stomach.
Can you sleep on your stomach with such big buttons on your pajamas?
My stomach takes such a turn, my arches crack again.
Anticipating the needs of the client so that. (stomach grumbling) Aah!
In examining the dog's stomach contents, we found a barely digested piece of beef steak.
No, don't. He's been hit in the stomach.
Lefty landed a light left hook to the stomach and Moore promptly dropped on his back.
I want to see the one with the fat stomach.
My stomach suddenly hurts.
My stomach's killing me. I was praying to get better.
I'm sick in my stomach.
Athlete's stomach.
You can't enjoy the ride unless you put something in your stomach.
Five stomach, four chest, three head.
Don't put any more of that in your stomach. Yeah.

News and current affairs

The US Congress lacks the stomach for another stimulus package.
The ensuing bloodbath of US soldiers generated images that the American public could not stomach, prompting the exit of American and then UN forces.
To reverse America's decline, Obama needs bipartisan support for his (quite mainstream) policies, but so far the US Congress has shown no stomach for a principled approach to its legislative duties.
This region receives information from all the senses and in turn controls the various networks that inspire the speeding heart, sweaty palms, wrenching stomach, muscle tension and hormonal floods that characterize being afraid.
The gap is simply too large between what is needed to restore competitiveness and what citizens can stomach if they remain part of the monetary union.
Like the bear that learned to fill his stomach comfortably, they feel satisfied to be entertained without having to exert themselves.
Their deaths are easier to stomach, and to justify, so long as airmen and soldiers, and the public watching at home, believe the violence was at least directed against evil incarnate.
Does Brown have the stomach to take on the risks involved in confronting the Iraq question?
So, for the past three months, Golubchuk has had a tube down his throat to help him breathe and another in his stomach to feed him.
No matter how much a politician advocates short-term pain for long-term benefits, voters will stomach only a certain amount of suffering.
Others, unfortunately, will be vulnerable to even greater stomach-churning turbulence - without the perceived benefit of a closed cockpit door.
Weeping, she told me of her friend, a woman caught by a mob, her stomach ripped open and stuffed with burning rags.
Although the US bombed northeastern Cambodia intensely throughout the Vietnam War years, it had no stomach for a ground commitment there.
Fourth, Europeans find it hard to stomach traditional Islamic attitudes towards, say, women or homosexuals.
Because Putin cannot stomach opposition, he stifles the growth of parties.
He was attached to respirator and to another machine to clear wastes from his body, and was fed through a stomach tube.
If Germans are unable to stomach the idea of sharing a political community with Greeks, they might as well accept that economic union is as good as dead.
The Germans, in particular, have no stomach for military aggression, hence their reluctance in Afghanistan to take on anything but simple police tasks.
Some of the compromises that democrats must occasionally make with one-time terrorists are difficult to stomach.

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