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free outflow English

Synonyms free outflow synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as free outflow?

free outflow English » English

free efflux free discharge

Examples free outflow examples

How do I use free outflow in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You are free to do as you please with your money.
I'm a free man.
Are you free this weekend?
Admission was free.
She was never free from pain after that.
I often spend my free time listening to music.
Tatoeba is free software.
Tom won a free trip to Boston.
I am free this evening.
Bathroom's free.
Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
When you're alone in your apartment, you feel independent. When you're alone in your room, you feel free. When you're alone in your bed, you feel lonely.
A democrat is a free citizen who yields to the will of the majority.
He was a benevolent old man who volunteered to mow his neighbors' lawns for free.
I feel that I am free.
Freedom is not free.
If you are free, give me a hand.
You are free to go home.
When will you be free?
I want to know if you'll be free tomorrow.
Are you free on Friday afternoon?
Every student has free access to the library.
We are free from danger.
You are free to go out.

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