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foundry proof English

Meaning foundry proof meaning

What does foundry proof mean?

foundry proof

a proof taken from a form before duplicate plates are made

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News and current affairs

However, being radical does not necessarily mean being irrational, and revolutionary Iran has given frequent proof of its pragmatism.
President Barack Obama's election two years ago positively shocked Arabs and empowered Arab democrats, who saw it as proof of America's true democratic nature.
To their Arab spectators, grandstanding is almost as good a proof of leadership as actually doing something.
Israelis and Palestinians cannot find the way out alone, because neither side would dare to forcibly disarm its own extremists without absolute proof that the other side will do the same.
So it is fatuous for Israel's government to insist that the Palestinians disarm completely before the peace process can continue, when Palestinian moderates have no proof that Israel will withdraw to the pre-1967 boundaries.
He claimed that the ultimate proof of artificial intelligence would be met if a human interrogator were unable to figure out that he was conversing with a computer.
Like those regimes, whether fascist or communist, China's leaders have sought to transform public space and sporting events into visible proof of their fitness and mandate to rule.
Nor are the apparent exceptions proof to the contrary.
Of course, the democratic world cannot build a bomb-proof house.
As with any therapeutic intervention, the most convincing and direct proof of the preventive efficacy of antioxidant supplements requires randomized, controlled clinical trials.
A good doctor does not intervene arbitrarily in the body's processes, but only in cases where there is objective proof of a disease and an effective treatment can be prescribed.
In 1978, China's newly installed leader, Deng Xiaoping, viewed Singapore as living proof of the superiority of capitalism over communism.
Mexico provides further proof that the market alone is not enough.
Historical proof that globalization does not necessarily mean homogenization can be seen in Japan, a country that deliberately isolated itself from earlier waves of globalization.
The implication is that the economic logic equating automation with increased productivity has not been invalidated; its proof has merely been delayed.
The revised British law continues to place the burden of proof on the defense.
Meanwhile, the Gazprom office in central Belgrade offers a large, visible proof of Russia's energy presence in the country.
But the cost of such rigid rules may be high, and their effectiveness, as witnessed by the vagaries of the United States' record on human rights, is less fool-proof than is sometimes imagined.
The latest proof: Mauricio Funes, the standard bearer of the FMLN - until not long ago a Marxist guerilla movement - has just prevailed in El Salvador's presidential election.
The EU is not proof of the decay of the nation-state.
In some parts of Africa, cotton growers are expanding production, providing proof that if the US and Europe did somehow curtail their own cotton output, Africans could plug the gap.
American leaders will welcome her election as proof that the estrangement in bilateral relations is over.
PARIS: Brazil's currency devaluation earlier this year, and its difficulties since in stabilizing the real as well as its stock market, have demonstrated the importance, if any new proof was needed, of financial markets and their volatile mood swings.

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