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foam aluminum

Examples foam aluminum examples

How do I use foam aluminum in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Foam is white.
I foam at the mouth whenever someone mentions his name.
The sea was white with foam.
Rabid dogs usually foam at the mouth.
It's not a toothpaste, it's a face-cleansing foam!
I like my coffee with lots of foam on the top.

Movie subtitles

I want to go dance in the foam.
By the white foam around her mouth.
That glass was all foam.
Can't you see this in a sea-foam-green room?
Yet still when the blazing sun hangs low. when the wind dies away and the sea foam sleeps. and twilight touches the wandering earth. I turn home.
But practically all of the people known can absolutely say that the foam on the sea is a sign that you see the mare and her colt at play.
I shall tumble down before the mob.. and foam at the mouth and make them laugh.
Alma, you want to blow some foam off some beer?
Some luck, landing on top of foam rubber!
The colour of the face, the foam on the mouth.
I can't see anything except this awful foam.
Oh the foam, Doctor! I can't see!
The pipeline room is a mass of weed and foam.
Take the beer home before the foam falls.
I told monsieur the doctor ordered me to soak in this foam for my nerves.
This shampoo doesn't foam.
But it doesn't make any foam!
Look at all that foam.
That last was all foam.
I shall tumble down before the mob and foam at the mouth and make them laugh.
Entirely overhauled six months ago. Good as new! The seats are foam rubber a genuine caress for your butt!
Some luck, landing right on top of a bed of foam rubber!
Well, we have 28,000 cubic feet of Wintrex which is a new, white foam rubber which actually, on-screen looks more like snow than snow.
Foam at the mouth and fall over backwards. Is he foaming at the mouth to fall over backwards, or falling over backwards to foam at the mouth?
Half a pint, with foam.
Would you like it without foam?
What a nice head of foam.
Waves and foam, just frozen, all the way out to the horizon.
Foam and weed on all of the rigs?
The whole of the bottom of the impeller shaft is covered in weed and foam.
We used fire fighting foam which is very light.
It was all covered with fire foam, but it was shot quite close to leave everything else out.
Give me some gel foam.
The foam stings my eyes.

News and current affairs

In order to replace these chemicals with others that are more benign, the equipment in which they are used - like freezers, coolers, and units for foam plastic production - must be substituted for new ones.
The rapid increase of foam plastic production in export processing zones is thought to be based on their purchase of CFC-dependent production units from OECD countries.
The largest waterfall in Asia, it plunges over a sheer cliff more than 200 feet high in a thundering display of foam, mist, and rainbows.