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flicker fixer English

Meaning flicker fixer meaning

What does flicker fixer mean?

flicker fixer

(computing) A piece of computer hardware that deinterlaces an output video signal, resulting in a less flickery display on some systems.

Examples flicker fixer examples

How do I use flicker fixer in a sentence?

Simple sentences

This fluorescent lamp is starting to flicker. We'll have to replace it.
After one last flicker, the candle went out.

Movie subtitles

And this place looking like a flicker's nest.
I figured he'd come back in the morning to see if I still had a flicker of life.
Then the lights began to flicker.
He can make it flicker.
Then, in my dirty soul, there, in the very depth of it there was a tiny flicker of joy.
The light seems to flicker, but it's barely moving. Look at that.
How can one live on a flicker of light?
From Earth, Triskelion's three suns are just a flicker of light.
I thought I seen something flicker.
It's hardly more than a flicker, and it's several thousand kilometres west of your position.
We get a flicker here and a glimmer there.
Tell Dr. Flicker.
A flicker.
He didn't even flicker.
In that question is the dim flicker of intelligence.
We shall nurture that flicker into at least a dull flame.
I'll bring the stuff back. and you and I will go out and find ourselves a little maison. let the wine flow, the candles flicker.
A flea-flicker!
I came among you to warm my hands at your fires. your poor, pitiful little fires that flicker out in the night.
They can flicker by in the dark night.
How do you feel if you're dancing and the lights flicker?
As the run stealers flicker to and fro, to and fro.
Highly efficient, doing very well, given Atrios a battering, killed millions without a flicker.
They flicker with a strange, cold, white faraway light.
No result. Not a flicker.
And if God, in his weakness, has need of our aid? If God were only a little flame in our hands who depended on us not to let him flicker out?
Somewhere under all that scar tissue, there's the faintest flicker of what we once felt.

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