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flamingo tongue English

Meaning flamingo tongue meaning

What does flamingo tongue mean?

flamingo tongue

Cyphoma gibbosum, a small colourful sea snail.

Examples flamingo tongue examples

How do I use flamingo tongue in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Let me see your tongue.
Japanese is my mother tongue.
If you show me your tongue, I might show you mine.
Urdu is our mother tongue.
French is my native tongue.
A sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use.
You must educate your tongue to distinguish good coffee from bad.
Brent is an American, but he speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue.
French is her mother tongue.
French is their mother tongue.
That child stuck out his tongue at me.
The author translated the fairy tale into our mother tongue.
Not all Americans speak English as their mother tongue.
Hold your tongue and listen to me.
The coffee was so hot that I nearly burned my tongue.
Miss Gray told the boy to hold his tongue while she was speaking.
What is your mother tongue?
You've got to learn to hold your tongue.
Linda stuck her tongue out.
Mr Wright speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue.
The chili burnt my tongue.
The foreigner spoke Japanese as if it were her mother tongue.
This mustard really bites the tongue.

Movie subtitles

It's on the tip of my tongue.
Dude, I know you two had a kind of momentary tongue connection, but Rebecca isn't into you anymore.
Cat got your tongue, Brackenreid?
Can you put your tongue back?
I can, but my tongue goes where I want it to go!
He knows my tongue is straight.
What's wrong, cat got your tongue?
Someone who can hold his tongue!
I know your mocking, lying tongue.
The tongue is an unruly member, is it not?
Tell him what's the matter, if your lying tongue can find the words.
My tongue was bewitched by Caesar.
Your tongue is no longer bewitched by Caesar, eh?
Watch your tongue, or I'll cut it out of you!
I've held my tongue because i hadn't the heart to open your dear eyes.
Let me see your tongue.
If I hear a single note of that song again, I'll. I'll cut out your tongue.
Remember what I said: the civil tongue or else.
I roll them over on my tongue.
Ah, go bite your tongue off.
It's hard to lay tongue to the right words.
I'll lay tongue to them.
In my tongue, close friend.
When I'm free, I'll wring your scrawny pipe stem till your tongue pops out!
Tongue, is it?
My tongue is hanging out.
She gathered the town gossips together once a week to let her tongue wag freely.
Anybody's tongue is liable to slip.
Lead them off! We will loosen your tongue!
A slip of the tongue.
Bite your tongue!
I advise you to curb that wagging tongue of yours!
I'll rip out your tongue!
Hold your tongue, you old goat.
Hold your tongue, old man.
Hold your wicked tongue, you gossiping old.. witch.

News and current affairs

His mother tongue will be English; if he ever learns to speak his father's language, it will be as a foreigner.
Perhaps this was a slip of the presidential tongue.
That phrase is on everyone's tongue nowadays.
Once again, Malaysia ' s Mahathir Muhammed acerbic tongue has incited controversy.
A few years ago, under Saddam Hussein, an Iraqi could have his tongue cut out if he was found in possession of a satellite dish or used the Internet without government approval.
But Europe should look beyond Berlusconi's careless tongue when gauging the nature of his regime.
Taiwan 's sole aboriginal parliamentarian once provided the logical rebuttal to Chen and the DPP, delivering a speech to a packed Congress entirely in his native tongue, which nobody else in the chamber could understand.

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