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Examples flacher Strand examples

How do I use flacher Strand in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You can feel the worm as a painful strand under the skin.
She twisted a strand of hair around her finger.
Life is a web, with every strand connected to every other strand.

Movie subtitles

A strand of your dog's hair was found in Mr. Stoddard's wound.
A single strand of his hair is enough to end any big eye.
When the papers phoned me about this little ruckus in Strand I was able to calm them down all right.
Hey, is this the way to Strand?
The bus driver just told me they got somebody they suspect of that kidnapping at Strand.
John Doe is not going to trial, Will but 22 citizens of Strand who I can prove are guilty of murder in the first degree.
Twenty-three Catalpa Avenue, Strand.
Strand is the town in which this lynching took place?
Strand is where the jail burned down on the night of October 26th, is it not?
Your occupation in Strand, please?
On the afternoon and evening of the day in question you were employed in your capacity as a couturier in the home of Frederick Garrett in Strand, were you not?
Did you see them at any time between 5 and 9 p. M on October 26th in Strand?
Thaddus Hummel, Sheriff of Strand County, is now on the stand.
I did not put these representative citizens of Strand on the stand to prove anything, Your Honor, and ladies and gentlemen of the jury except that on their oaths to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God they are liars!
Hey! Hey, is this the way to Strand?
Strand is the town in which this lynching took place? Objection!
M on October 26th in Strand?
By stipulation with defense attorneys that this is a true film record taken at Strand by Ted Fitzgerald, in employment as a news cameraman I hereby present this film as state's Exhibit A.
I am a citizen of Strand who helped clean up the jail mess.
And when that strand broke, the whole rope broke with it.
Your Excellency, observe this interesting strand of ivy.
Talking of skeletons, have you seen that new thing at the Strand?
You mean strand all those actors?
If you mean strand Mitchell there, I won't do it.
Well, by my calculations, there should be a thin strand of wire in the wall here, like a nerve tapping the subconscious of the human brain.
You are leaving one strand of hair here.
I dropped a strand of hair may I pick it up?
Go down to the Strand, you know. And then work your way up Southampton Street.
I still have a strand of your r ed hair at home.
So that the newly formed DNA strand carries a mutation. and you've got a virus again.
Some day I'm going to buy you the finest strand of pearls in all Australia.
They know the Guild will strand any force that lands here without its consent.

News and current affairs

While the Iraq War discredited the idea of coercive democratization, both Republicans and Democrats have a strong strand of idealism in their foreign policy orientations.
The chemical inhibitors used in this treatment target the enzyme polymerase (PARP1), which is normally involved in the repair of DNA single-strand breaks - a common form of spontaneous DNA lesions.
Chemical inhibition of the PARP1 protein results in reduced occurrence of these single-strand break repairs.
Unrepaired single-strand breaks are not very toxic to cells.
But cells with mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are unable to undergo recombination and are therefore much more sensitive to an increased level of unrepaired single-strand breaks.
Thus, only the tumor cells will have a non-functional recombination pathway and rely completely on PARP to repair single-strand breaks before copying the DNA.
As recently as the 1980's, phone calls over copper wire could carry only one page of information per second; today, a thin strand of optical fiber can transmit 90,000 volumes in a second.
In addition, France has long had a strand of cultural anti-Americanism.
Mutational processes are far more complex than was thought a few decades ago; with strand slippage, duplication, transposition, and illegitimate recombination producing qualitative differences between closely-related genomes.
Another strand of research deals with crisis management, but without examining the impact on longer-term growth.

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