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felting-bow English

Synonyms felting-bow synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as felting-bow?

felting-bow English » English

carder’s bow

Examples felting-bow examples

How do I use felting-bow in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Is it stranger to dream about a bow or about a rainbow?
The little girl made a polite bow to me.
The girl made an awkward bow.
The government refuses to bow to public pressure.
In Japan, it is proper to bow when you meet someone.
The Japanese do not always make a bow as a mark of respect.
He made a polite bow to his teacher.
He took off his hat and made a polite bow.
Koyomi bought a bow and arrows.
A bow is no use without arrows.
She wrapped the gift in white tissue paper and put a big red bow on top.
Quickly he loosed the stern line and climbed into the boat by the bow.
If I don't have a bow, I can't play the violin.
He wears a bow tie every day.
By the age of seven, he had already made his own bow and arrows.
Native Americans fought with bow and arrow.
This is a bow for a strong person.
The boy gave me a bow.
The only business of the head in the world is to bow a ceaseless obeisance to the heart.

Movie subtitles

Tell them to come and bow with their sincere minds, asking her forgiveness for their badmouthing.
I'm worried the bow tie's a little much.
COOPER: Neal, don't forget the bow tie. Barry, why aren't you picking up?
Look at this bow.
Penelope declares to wish to marry he among the suitors who is capable to string the bow of Ulysses.
Ulysses watches the inability of the suitors at stringing his bow, and now has his bow handed to himself.
And how to make the best bow and arrows, too.
I made myself perfect in the use of the Tartar war bow.
Tartar war bow.
Your Excellence, I bow with respect.
How dare you bow to that woman?
You can take a bow for that.
Take a bow.
And they taught me how to make the best bow and arrows too.
An English ship on the port bow!
Being shot by a bow and arrow.
I wonder, I dare hardly suggest it, but, our bow has a better view.
Lads, bow your necks and weep.
Wind off the starboard bow, sir.
Two strings to his bow. Well, we'll see.
I've been told that the Indians hunt with bow and arrow.
Wait a minute, take a bow.
Sorry, but you will have to be taken to Bow Street to be formally charged.
Take another bow.
COOPER: Neal, don't forget the bow tie.
But no matter where you are from, everyone will bow before Tima.
He certainly can take a bow for his own play.
I can't take a bow for my own play?
My dear Coco, in a crisis.. One omits a bow or two.
And now I must bow to it.
You would not recognize because they had the same color. Ladies and gentlemen. A small bow, kids.
Can you tie a bow tie?
But anyone who believes a bow-tie end should stick out, should be deported from this country.
A flood from the west is approaching That dissolves the bonds of family. And the sons no longer bow To their fathers.
And again, this blood is only a drop, flowing by in the eternal stream of the life of your people, whom you owe everything, and whose source of origin therefore is the deepest and highest you can subserviently bow to in childlike awe.

News and current affairs

It is time for it to take a bow and go home to Vienna.
In the hours that follow, she convinces Obama not to bow to his anti-interventionist secretary of defense, Robert Gates.
More ominously, it looked for a while like the Norwegian Nobel committee itself might bow to Beijing, too.
A few shots across the bow came from inside the community, from just across the street at the World Bank.
Radicals will remind Palestinians that these two concessions represent a US-Israeli imposition and an attempt to force the Palestinians to bow to the realities of occupation and dispossession.
None of this means that the West should bow and forsake its principles.
When the going gets tough, they argue, the Europeans bow out.
Citizens increasingly claim that political elites do not properly represent them, and that directly elected institutions - national parliaments in particular - are forced to bow to unelected bodies like central banks.
Unions would bow to government requests to moderate their demands for wage increases, and governments would bow to union demands for public spending and social insurance.
Step forward, France, and take a bow.
America, eager to bring both Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, felt scant need to consider Russian concerns, convinced that the Kremlin would have no choice but to bow to the inevitable.
At the same time, successive EU enlargements over the decades have brought in other powerful contenders, chiefly Spain and the UK, as well as smaller countries who are unwilling to bow before French-German leadership.
But we must refuse to bow before the altar of tolerance when it comes to what is truly unacceptable, wherever it occurs, and this is what the world is witnessing passively in Afghanistan.
At the heart of these questions is another: must liberals and moderates always bow down before the crazy right over national security?
Even if Netanyahu is willing to bow to realism, some of his coalition partners might leave his government.
His seizure of Crimea from Ukraine in March, together with his refusal to bow to the Western powers that disputed the move, made him a hero among ordinary Russians.
To begin to address some of the world's deepest problems, we too must lift our eyes upwards as we bow our heads in humility.
We are a developing country, it is said; after all, it is not just your eye against his, your legs against hers, but what you can do against their trainer, their running shoe, their ergodynamic costume, their titanium archer's bow.
The closest anyone has come to putting some international fizz into the campaign was when US President Barack Obama fired a couple of warning shots across the UK's bow.

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