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feat English

Meaning feat meaning

What does feat mean?


(= effort) a notable achievement he performed a great feat the book was her finest effort

Synonyms feat synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as feat?

Topics feat topics

What do people use feat to talk about?

Examples feat examples

How do I use feat in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The player performed a wonderful feat.
That's not an easy feat.
It is better to accomplish the smallest feat in the world, than to lay low for a half hour.

Movie subtitles

Think of the strain involved by his prodigious feat.
A new feat by Garou-Garou.
You performed an outstanding submarine feat in getting the Thunder back.
Quite a feat for a woman, don't you think?
Surely that is not a great feat for a man of your powers.
A unique feat of engineering, if I may say so.
You have accomplished quite a feat!
Ladies and gentlemen you are about to witness the most spectacular feat ever attempted by the greatest daredevil in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness a feat so dangerous that only one man would dare attempt it.
It's a great construction feat.
The feat you could accomplish would eclipse the name of Madame of Montespan, the King's favorite.
And now for the most death-defying feat ever attempted by a man who just got out of a wheelchair!
A marvelous feat of engineering.
His saviour was given a medal for the feat.
The great pilot has accomplished a stunning feat.
I had something to do with his feat.
That would have been quite a feat, dear.
I compliment you on a noble feat- the death of a 12-year-old child.
Who spoke of a feat, Captain?
My dear nephew, here is the reward for your feat.
That evening, there was much debate about Uli's feat of courage.
You've assembled an interocitor, a feat of which few men are capable.
It was a great feat.
For his beginnings, the young lord achieved a remarkable feat.
And our proudest achievement was the construction of a homemade elevator. A real engineering feat.
It's been said that singularly, the most difficult feat of all mankind is to find a needle in a haystack.
The great aviator has performed a stunning feat.
Holy Church expects a feat from you.
You are his prettiest, most ravishing feat.
My first trick, my first illusion, the first feat of legerdemain, is one of the truly great tricks of all time.
Have you accomplished your feat now?
Marvellous feat of engineering.
Germany expects a heroic feat from you!
Did you make it perform this feat?
I got your message, I'll keep mum, or I'll be beaten by you neat and never shall perform my feat.
Look, I don't know what kind of a feat we're going to perform, but the fact that this girl fights in the war, it's.
Yes indeed. you are right, nothing is really a feat, otherwise, valuable ideals would emerge!

News and current affairs

Germany accomplished this feat by dramatically re-structuring its corporate sector.
Mitigating the adverse humanitarian consequences (associated with cross-border migration), and geopolitical impact of this storm would be no easy feat.
The credible threat of war has been essential to achieving this extraordinary feat.
Achieving such a consensus in the context of an American presidential election will be no small feat.
Even if Abe manages to relax the amendment requirements - no easy feat, given the likelihood that a popular referendum would reveal weak public support - he will probably have to leave the change to his successor.
Even without such complications, invigorating Europe's increasingly sluggish economic recovery will be no easy feat.
The challenge will be to overcome political resistance - no small feat at a time when domestic polarization has made politicians wary of publicly supporting economic multilateralism.
With central banks - the de facto best friend of financial markets these days - pushing for increasingly large financial risk-taking (as a means of stimulating productive economic risk-taking), this is no easy feat.
Over the past 22 years, the world has managed to feed almost two billion more people adequately - no small feat.
Merely finalizing the guest list would be a major diplomatic feat.
And South Korea has accomplished this feat in China's intensely competitive immediate neighborhood.
Contributing to the emergence of a more productive relationship between the world's most important international organization and its most powerful member would be no small feat.
After the War, it was a prime EU objective to moderate nationalism and promote regionalism in Germany, a feat that was accomplished to the benefit of all Europeans.
Achieving this goal will be no small feat.
But, when all was said and done, through what turned out to be often Draconian controls, China pulled off quite a feat!
Generating the political will to get even some of this done will be no easy feat.
It is quite a feat to have achieved the degree of consensus he has around a set of ideas that departs in places so markedly from the traditional approach.
With these reforms, Mexico can finally begin to harvest the fruits of ten years of stability and continuity -- not a mean feat for a country which had previously had major crises in every decade since the 1960s.
No single central authority coordinated their actions; that feat was accomplished by the magic of free markets and the price system.
Merely finalizing the guest list would be a major diplomatic feat. Surely, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq must be invited.
Europe brought democratic values, social solidarity, and, for all its current problems, the century's most impressive feat of institutional engineering, the European Union.
But replicating this success at the national level will be no easy feat.
In fact, the post-war era has been the longest sustained period of trade liberalization in history - a particularly impressive feat, given that the world has just suffered the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.
To come back from near destitution and bloody tyranny in one generation is a great feat, and China should be saluted for it.

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