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fanlike set

Examples fanlike set examples

How do I use fanlike set in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You'd better set off at once.
We set out on our journey full of hope.
Mary set the basket on the table.
They set up a new company in London.
They set off fireworks.
They set fire to their neighbour's house in revenge.
She threatened to set our house on fire.
She set a new world record.
Tom set up a website for Mary.
The man set himself on fire.
Have you ever set a trap for a bear?
That was no accident; someone set the house on fire.
You've set a bad example.
Hurry up and set the table for dinner.
The monument was set up in the park.
Will you show me how to set up a cot?
We set to work with all our might and main.
We had an early lunch and set out at 12:30.
Hanako is set on going to Paris.
The king ordered that the prisoner should be set free.
The prince has set out on a long journey.
It seems that the rainy season has set in.
The rainy season has set in.
On your marks, get set, go!
Don't set your failure down to bad luck.
Please let me know immediately if you would like to set up an area of the conference room for your products.
We set out when the rain had eased.
Cleanse me! Release me! Set me free!

Movie subtitles

It was time for imperial China to set sail.
Zheng He set sail in command of a crew of some 28,000 men in a fleet of dozens of these enormous ships.
Da Gama set sail from this spot on 8th july, 1 497.
In China, Imperial rule was implemented by a Confucian bureaucracy, recruited on the basis of perhaps the most terrifying set of exam papers in all history.
Keep you word and then we'll also throw in a set of steak knives!
With the vertical gun loaded and the impact chamber set, it's time to test and see if the organic material laced onto the projectile can survive a high-speed impact.
Someone obviously doesn't like me, and they're trying to set me up.
Got some traps set up along this way somewhere.
I didn't want to set you up.
He's set off on a journey. Eh?
Ready, set, roll.
Ready.set. lift.
Yeah. Crike set!
Set a course for Dreamland.
In the telescope there was a clock that needed to be set right.
Set the whole town ablaze!
That's why I created the first Arab offices in this land and why I set up the first Zouave regiment, made up of Muslim volunteers who are now our brothers in arms.
Set Naouel and the child free.
The army has set up convoys to Algiers.
Look at that strange set-up.
He set foot on our land.
I finally set up my own practice.
Never set foot in this house!
I'll call to set something up.
We're all set to take off.
Can you set that up for me?
Ready, set.
It'll also set the micro-drones operation back in motion.
It says so right here, but I took some home and set the table with them, and my mom freaked out and sent me to my room, and her boyfriend even kept laughing!
Frankie set up a distraction so I could make the catch without Nick finding out.
The only reason I did it is 'cause I was set up.
Yeah, just give me a couple of days to set it up.
So it was all set up. All bud's team had to do was win.
And has been since we set foot in Alvo's villa.
That scene was added, and I think that scene is so important to understand Allison's mind-set moving forward, because you see her as this, you know, this sort of sweet, naive girl, and then something massive happens. And then it's, you know.
You know my aunt keeps calling me and tries to set me up with someone who will make a sweet home with me.
I'm set.
But what I do have is a very particular set of skills.
I may not have a special set of skills, but what I do have is a special set of friends.

News and current affairs

Now is the time to set new ambitious goals for Europe.
The SDGs offer a critical opportunity for the world to set clear, compelling standards for government and corporate behavior.
These are national funds that, in boom years, receive revenues from sales of natural resources to be set aside against a rainy day.
A logical corollary of the criteria set forth by Kenen and Obstfeld, and even of Mundell's labor-mobility criterion, is that currency unions cannot survive without political legitimacy, most likely involving region-wide popular elections.
Historically, there tends to be the same set of themes: fearsome, uncontrolled transformative change led by educated, urbanized cosmopolitans.
At that point, the trouble grabbed widespread attention, destroyed public confidence, and set in motion a negative feedback loop.
Success in peacefully removing a tyrant has set in motion a process of national renewal.
Its growth was fueled by an extraordinarily rapid structural transformation towards an increasingly sophisticated set of industrial goods.
If all people conform to a particular set of beliefs, including moral codes of behavior, conflicts will disappear.
The time is right for a new global settlement that targets growth, addresses crisis conditions in certain parts of the world, and rebalances the global economy to set it back on a path of strong and steady growth.
At long last, our society and economy are set on the path to growth and development.
Nations could set the more ambitious goal of limiting the long-term change in the earth's temperature, and then assign emissions rights among countries in such a way that will eventually limit temperature increases to an acceptable level.
But the challenge is to provide an alternative set of policy guidelines for promoting development, without falling into the trap of promulgating yet another impractical blueprint, supposedly right for all countries at all times.
If adopted, this policy would set a new global standard and perhaps prompt other nations to follow suit.
Once it was dark, a screen was set up and Mark showed home videos from space.
Rumor has it the couple has set February 8 or 9 for the wedding. Others say that Sarkozy has already outsmarted the media by secretly marrying in the Elysee Palace, even as he was dodging wedding questions.
The second is a set of understandings and commitments among the major advanced and developing countries to rebalance the global economy in order to restore aggregate demand and growth.
Indeed, Europe has a large set of tools at its disposal; it just needs to figure out how to use them.
Aerial photographers were called in, and a large budget was set aside.
Hu's trip is likely follow the example set by Wen.
Moreover, the renminbi remains non-convertible for most capital transactions, China's financial markets are primitive, and trading margins for the exchange rate are still set daily by the monetary authorities.