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even-mindedness English

Meaning even-mindedness meaning

What does even-mindedness mean?


The state of being calm, stable and composed, especially under stress; equanimity.

Synonyms even-mindedness synonyms

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even-mindedness English » English


Examples even-mindedness examples

How do I use even-mindedness in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to.
Even if you don't like rum, try a glass of this.
I have to go even if it rains cats and dogs.
Even if you make great efforts, you won't be able to achieve it.
Even if it rains, the game will be played.
Recently even students have come to visit foreign countries quite often.
I apologized, but even then she wouldn't speak to me.
We have little snow here even in the winter.
Even though the alarm clock went off, I didn't wake up.
Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.
Plato's my friend, but truth I cherish even more.
She wouldn't even piss on me if I were on fire.
Some even accused him of treason.
I don't speak English well even though I took it for six years at school.
I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme.
Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.
You could at least try to be a bit more polite, even though it's not like you.
Don't you even think of eating my chocolate!
What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?
Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.
The formation and movement of hurricanes are capricious, even with our present-day technology.
Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader.
Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much rancor between the Russians and the Germans, especially in areas once occupied by the Soviet Union.
Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russians, especially in areas which were occupied by the Soviet Union.
Even if your sentences were actually senseless, you at least have the luck to be able to form beautiful sentences.
Even though he had served his time in prison, the murderer was never quite condoned by the public for his crime.
The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent.
You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do them.
I am alive even though I am not giving any sign of life.
You should only count on yourself--but even then, not too much.
They don't even know why.
I work even on Sunday.
Even plastic surgery won't do anything for your ugliness.
Even times odd is even, odd times odd is odd.

Movie subtitles

It's not like it was hard to live or even starve to death.
Even if you like me that much. All the way from Australia. Why would you come all this way?
You don't even know anyone and yet you still came for me?
Even though I appreciate it, I already have someone I like. There's no room for you.
Even though your mom lives her life like that Even though she's an idiot, She doesn't throw away her children.
Even under the rubble.
I was planning to do this even without it.
Even if you say the military, it's only a small portion of it.
Being together is even more dangerous.
The world will plunge into an even greater chaos.
Are you even Japanese?
On top of me not even being aware, I have been acting extremely rude to you.
Even to Suzaku and Nanali.
Are you even Japanese?!
He's even having Diethard and Rakshata standing by.
Even though the cameras are off.
That could take several minutes or even longer.
Thanks to this discovery he established his name even more so, which helped him pursue his plans for further research on the Milky Way Galaxy in collaboration with institutions abroad.
It then drops a bit, rises again to an even higher maximum and finally drops back to zero.
Take them all! - Even the women?
And the population even harder.
I don't even know if Odilon loves me.
But the hardest thing to get past the screws is peanuts, or anything that contains peanuts, or anything that even MAY contain peanuts.
And, like, you know, when you're sitting around with your friends playing video games and it's fun, but if you munch a nice, big PBJ first, it's even awesomer.
It says so right here, but I took some home and set the table with them, and my mom freaked out and sent me to my room, and her boyfriend even kept laughing!
Well, I was just trying to figure out how your brother's still getting PBJs into the yard even after Pork Chop got busted.
You know what? I don't even know why I told him.
Look, Nick, what Johnny's doing is wrong, but the way the whole peanut trade works is even wronger.
Yeah, they didn't even attack us face-to-face.
Before him, it belonged to my cousin, Vlad, and he even donated the bench, so, yeah, damn fucking right it belongs to me.
And now, because of Frankie and his crew, I can't even play on the soccer pitch.
How do you even know it was them?
None of us even want to play soccer anymore, 'cause we're all too nervous and shit.
You guys don't even believe in God.
One side hits, the other hits back worse, and then those guys want revenge for that, so they hit back even harder.
And then those guys want revenge for that, so they hit back even harder.

News and current affairs

Even the United States abrogated indexation clauses in bond contracts during the Great Depression of the 1930's.
After all, gold pays no interest and even costs something to store.
Today, the mood is much grimmer, with references to 1929 and 1931 beginning to abound, even if some governments continue to behave as if the crisis was more classical than exceptional.
Everyone seems to be a loser, even if some are more affected than others.
That is why the war's great hero, Winston Churchill, was voted out of office in the summer of 1945, even before Japan surrendered.
But even Charles de Gaulle, a resistance leader of the right, had to accept Communists in his first postwar government, and he agreed to nationalize industries and banks.
In Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the US attitude entirely, the government introduced similar measures and even offered a new theory.
But even small terrorist successes are costly in terms of lives, money, and making open societies less so.
Even though new standards would apply to suppliers from all exporting countries, compliance costs usually vary, meaning that those less equipped to meet higher standards could suffer.
Even in the absence of international rules, the EU and the US could take two actions to ensure that the TTIP does not have adverse consequences for developing economies.
Yet in all probability he would have been even more deeply disappointed in the inability of the Palestinians to come to terms with the existence of the Jewish state.
Using this macro-historical framework, we can see Japanese deflation, European debt, and even the Arab Spring as phases of systemic changes within complex structures that are interacting with one another in a new, multipolar global system.
The fact that the man was black might or might not have made the cop go for his handcuffs even sooner than he might normally have done.
Gates might even be planning a television documentary on racial profiling.
Now, emboldened by continuing appreciation, some are suggesting that gold could be headed even higher than that.
Even the United States abrogated indexation clauses in bond contracts during the Great Depression of the 1930's. So it can happen anywhere.
Even so, the fact that very high inflation is possible does not make it probable, so one should be cautious in arguing that higher gold prices are being driven by inflation expectations.
But their resistance to recognizing problems at home runs even deeper.
It thus seemed to make sense that even in the eurozone, banking supervision remained largely national.
Getting seed and fertilizer to smallholder farmers at highly subsidized prices (or even free in some cases) will make a lasting difference.

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