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electrocardiogram telephone English

Synonyms electrocardiogram telephone synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as electrocardiogram telephone?

electrocardiogram telephone English » English

telephone ECG system

Examples electrocardiogram telephone examples

How do I use electrocardiogram telephone in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Who invented the telephone?
Give me a telephone call when you get back.
Can someone answer the telephone?
Nobody answered the telephone.
Do you remember his telephone number?
My telephone service was cut off because of unpaid bills.
This telephone doesn't work.
There's a telephone in my room.
The busy woman ignored the ringing telephone.
She asked for my permission to use the telephone.
The telephone was invented by Bell in the year 1876.
Tom is on the telephone, talking to Mary.
Could you dial for me? The telephone is too high.
I was just leaving, when the telephone rang.
You need not telephone me.
I forget your telephone number.
Had I known your telephone number, I would have called you.
Your telegram arrived just as I was about to telephone you.
I couldn't call you; the telephone was out of order.
Be sure to telephone by Friday, OK?
What is the emergency telephone number?
The engineer climbed the telephone pole.
You have a telephone.
We were cut off while talking on the telephone.
We talked on the telephone.
We confirmed the hotel reservations by telephone.
In case of fire, telephone the fire station.
The telephone was ringing when I got home.
Please telephone me when you have made up your mind what you want to do.
Telephone me if it rains.

Movie subtitles

I'll ask your neighbour to telephone Nonnatus House.
Sister Julienne was able to telephone the Children's Ward.
If you do not repair to the telephone, I shall find myself obliged to answer it instead.
But we'll telephone if there's any news.
And telephone me if it gets any worse, I can pop right over.
Sir, telephone call for you.
If I had known when I first saw you. that you were only a telephone operator instead of a swell. I'd have proposed to you right on the spot.
Do you remember Frank's telephone number dear?
Perhaps you'd like to telephone while I get it down?
Don't wave important clues in telephone boxes.
Would you allow me to use your telephone?
I can't tell you over the telephone what this is all about. just, please, come.
You're a cab. On the telephone!
You're wanted on the telephone.
I see. You want a telephone booth.
On the telephone!
The Minister of the Interior is on the telephone.
You are wanted on the telephone, sir.
You'll excuse me, I'm wanted on the telephone.
Butch, you take care of the girl while I telephone Joe.
May I use your telephone?
Telephone the police.
The officials at Le Bourget Field will telephone you at your rooms as soon as flying is possible.
Telephone me the moment that you've destroyed them.
And they didn't telephone?
Now, Monsieur Dubois you say that General Shubin admitted over the telephone that Mata Hari was an enemy spy?
But has he any proof that it was Shubin who spoke over the telephone?
When Shubin called you a spy over the telephone, he told the truth.
Telephone, sir.
They're having a nice little game up there with that telephone.
I mean your telephone number.
Or is it one of them farmhouses, you know, with a telephone booth in the backyard?
And she will telephone the Princess de Costa. The princess doesn't like me.
My telephone number is Schuyler 3-2215.
I'd be lost without a telephone!
You have her telephone number?

News and current affairs

Alerted by a telephone call, a policeman arrived smartly on the scene.
In fact, the Central Propaganda Department's ideological control can be maintained only through internal notices and telephone calls, which are widely scorned.
Russian fans were so excited by Fischer's unprecedented achievement that they reportedly jammed Moscow telephone exchanges to get information.
Infant mortality has been cut in half, more citizens than ever enjoy educational opportunities, and electric, telephone, and sanitation services have expanded to serve a greater number of people.
This calls for creative means of effecting information transfer and making and receiving official payments by telephone.
Many leading American and European telephone equipment manufacturers fear Hua Wei more than Fujitsu or NEC.
Yes, Estonians invented Skype, the Internet telephone system, but in general Estonia, like the rest of Europe, is falling behind in both innovation and pure science.
Providing consumers with a way to make low-cost telephone calls over the Internet.
The same story is true in poor countries around the world: telephone penetration remained stubbornly stagnant in developing nations until they allowed competitive entry-primarily in the form of mobile telephony-in the 1990's.
Telephone use has soared in poor countries as a result.
DAVOS - When Apple CEO Tim Cook announced last year that he is gay, I was inundated by emails and telephone messages from executives around the world.
For example, the first telephone company started operations in 1878, while mobile phones are barely 25 years old.
It's only in this way that India can hope to create a network of fiber optics and telephone lines to catapult the country into a modern information economy.
Surprisingly, however, when telephone interviews were included in the process, beautiful people did better, even though they were unseen by the employers.
Trying to convict him is like trying to convict the first person who installed a telephone.
It is not just in New York, Shanghai, or Paris that one finds a mobile telephone in the hands of each passerby.
WARSAW - On September 11, 2001 at three p.m., Warsaw time, I was talking on the telephone with Poland's Consul General in New York.
Of course, the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden's revelations of the global reach and the extent of America's Internet and telephone surveillance are, to say the least, unpleasant.
If the policedetain Nashi members, a telephone call from the President's administration follows, and the detainees are released.
The country was racked by scandal. A gigantic, ministerial-level scam in the mobile-telephone sector had siphoned off many billions of dollars to a corrupt politician.
The horrible computerized telephone-answering systems that we all now suffer with might actually improve.
The growth in mobile-telephone technology demonstrates that the digital divide is shifting, and the focus of development efforts must change with it.
Technology is the most obvious part: the telecommunications revolution is far more pervasive and spreading more rapidly than the telegraph or telephone did in their time.
A gigantic, ministerial-level scam in the mobile-telephone sector had siphoned off many billions of dollars to a corrupt politician.

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