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earmarked account

Examples earmarked account examples

How do I use earmarked account in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You must take his age into account.
Your account is empty.
Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the only factors that can account for the observed warming over the last century; there are no credible alternative human or natural explanations supported by the observational evidence.
I took that into account.
She divorced him on my account.
I don't need a Facebook account to have friends.
Tom's bank account is empty.
I do not have an account in these forums.
How do you account for your being late?
What account can you give of your misbehavior?
You have to account for your absence.
You need not take account of the fact.
How do you account for the fact?
You have to account for the result.
The chairman should take the minority opinion into account.
Send me the account.
Can you account for why our team lost?
How do you account for your absence?
Chemical products account for approximately two-thirds of our exports.
The picnic was put off on account of rain.
The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain.
I couldn't go out on account of the bad weather.