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Examples eagle's eye examples

How do I use eagle's eye in a sentence?

Simple sentences

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
I can't see anything with my right eye.
The old man is blind in one eye.
The dog is blind in one eye.
Your parents kept an eye on us.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
One crow doesn't peck another's eye.
Tom and Mary no longer see eye to eye.
Tom and Mary made eye contact.
I have a black eye.
Is it true that Tom can't see out of his left eye?
David has a keen interest in aesthetics - the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.
The headline caught my eye this morning.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Something strange caught my eye.
Lisa, keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy our train tickets.
The ball hit her in the eye.
The pretty girl in the bikini was an eye-opener on the beach.
Keep an eye on the bags.
You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil.
Something has happened to my right eye.
Tom has an eye for modern art.
Keep an eye on my bag for a while.
You can see the stars with your naked eye, and even better through a telescope.
The star is so bright as to be seen with the naked eye.

Movie subtitles

Fuck you in the eye!
Fuck you in the other eye!
Life isn't always something you can see with the naked eye.
She couldn't even look me in the eye.
There was a young girl from Shanghai whose beauty enchanted my eye.
I mean, it's one thing to run off into the sunset with your pregnant lover, but knowing she's a murderer, well, you'd wanna sleep with one eye open.
It flew out on the red eye.
You're a flaming queen with a big-old lazy eye.
It's true, mother and I didn't exactly see eye-to-eye.
The Azeri Government is paid handsomely to turn a blind eye to all activities.
Black eye, ain't nothing going to stop me, baby.
In the empty room, far away from her husband, but under Bordenave's suspicious eye, a romance was stirring.
Since then, this boy can fight against the evil eye.
They're saying the Arab Kingdom has the evil eye.
My son. apple of my eye.
Forgive me. The plan was to keep an eye on the enemy. However, it was more than I'd bargained for.
Look me in the eye.
Frozen north, my eye!
You keep an eye on him till I get back with the bottle.
Ah, you see, Gussie, the hand is faster than the eye.
So keep your eye peeled on him, son.
Thanks, but I like to keep my eye on you, Rico.
There's more to this fellow than meets the eye, Doctor.
Anyone can see with half an eye that there's something wrong.
And keep your eye on that guy that just went out of here.
Keep your eye on her.
Keep your eye on Helton.
Stuff like that is easy to get because the screws turn a blind eye to those kind of things.
An eye.
A sharp eye for talent.
Full of wine and hatred, Justin assembled his forces in the blink of an eye.
Now, over here on this site we're gonna build an eye and ear hospital.
There's a couple of shady characters hanging around that I'm going to keep an eye on.
I looked him right in the eye and told the big Bozo if he didn't marry me I'd shoot myself.
I got my eye on that big box of candy right there.
Right in the bull's eye, Johnny.
But, Madame Colet, that is a question of eye shading.
Look at her, rosette and all. Smart as me eye.
Keep an eye on them, Seymour.
Aunt Carrie's gonna give you something that'll knock your eye out.

News and current affairs

We need to convince each other that the fight against this common enemy has to be fought with a keen eye to balancing the needs of security with those of human and minority rights.
Similarly, the US should cast a wary eye at Kuchma's decision to send troops to Iraq.
With a dispassionate eye on the long game, what will the president himself be thinking?
In fact, they have more in common than meets the eye, for each speaks of a rupture with the past while incarnating a form of continuity.
Friedrich Nietzsche said that if you look in the eye of the Devil for too long, you risk becoming a devil yourself.
But turning a blind eye is shortsighted, for America and for the Saudis.
Reassuring Iraq's Sunnis that they have a place in the new Iraq will also reassure neighboring Sunni governments, which have mostly turned a blind eye to the support for the insurgency that has come from their lands.
During the 1970's, when the transnational corporations (TNC's) undertaking such investment caught the public eye, many governments believed that the costs of FDI outweighed its benefits, so they controlled it.
The machines can now even be set to imitate famous human players - including their flaws - so well that only an expert eye (and sometimes only another computer!) can tell the difference.
Moreover, new international norms had come to the fore: external powers that previously turned a blind eye to coups, military dictatorships, and repression now rallied around democracy and human rights.
Dr. Khan's televised confession and acceptance of sole responsibility for proliferation activities has done nothing to reduced suspicion that there is more here than meets the eye, and of the Pakistani military's complicity in proliferation.
The stunning opacity of solvency ratios encouraged regulators to turn a blind eye to banks' excessive risk-taking.
This realization does not mean that Europe should turn a blind eye to the nature of Lukashenko's regime.
Yet there's more to journalism than keeping an eye on the government.
But how can we blame that legacy while turning a blind eye to a kind of colonialism against women in these same countries' private homes and public institutions?
In an era of open-ended US government budget deficits and chronic shortfalls in personal saving, America is doomed to suffer subpar savings and massive multilateral trade deficits for as far as the eye can see.
The broad convergence of their strategic objectives in the Asia-Pacific region does not mean that they will see eye-to-eye on all issues.
This has not yet happened - not least because countries such as Germany and Greece hardly see eye to eye.
A member of my family recently had an eye problem, and was referred by her general practitioner to an eye surgeon.
Moreover, with India poking Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the eye over her climate-change entreaties, the world could easily see an even more unified and unyielding bloc emerge among developing countries.
The public had poked a sharp stick into the eye of metropolitan cynicism and know-all journalism.
The surgeon examined the eye, said that it didn't need surgery, and sent her back to the general practitioner.

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