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dusky lark English

Synonyms dusky lark synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as dusky lark?

dusky lark English » English

dusky bush lark

Examples dusky lark examples

How do I use dusky lark in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tom was up with the lark.
Mrs. Lark played the piano and the children sang.
Don't come to school to lark around.
He felt the warm sun shining, and heard the lark singing, and saw that all around was beautiful spring.
As a lark, Tom bought Mary a plastic-grass hula skirt and a coconut-shell bra, momentarily forgetting that her opportunities to wear this colourful get-up would be somewhat limited.

Movie subtitles

A lark.
But you get older. and you realize it wasn't a lark. but a terrible mistake.
But as soon as his problem's solved, he'll be as gay as a lark again.
I worked for a gentleman once who likewise, with two friends, accoutered themselves as you have, sir, and then went out for a lark.
Nay, cousin, the man hath no wit that cannot from the rising of the lark to the lodging of the lamb vary deserved praise on my palfrey.
Anyway, there he was, poor chap, happy as a lark and without a cent.
Ellie was as happy as a lark.
Stir with the lark tomorrow, gentle Norfolk.
But he wouldn't even get on Old Thunder when the boys saddled him up for a lark.
We're just doing this for a lark.
What lark got you here?
I'm fed up with this lark.
Miss Lark likes to walk in the park with Andrew.
Happy as a lark.
Oh, no, I'm as happy as a lark. You're just going in, I'm staying out.
Anything for a lark? I'm glad it isn't me.
Me, sad? I'm as happy as a lark.
She's as gay as a lark, busy with her wedding plans. Being trimmed, a new collar, sniffing over her wedding presents.
Now that Thunderhead was home to stay, Jewel was as happy as a lark.
And for those of more romantic bent, there is Gumbo who imitates the love call of the lark at the same time drinking a cup of water.
It was nothing much, Doctor, just a bit of a lark.
A fine lark!
The night of the towel can be remembered as a lark.
Just a natural mud lark.
This is a lark, isn't it?
I'm happy as a lark.
Nay, cousin, the man hath no wit that cannot, from the rising of the lark to the lodging of the lamb, vary deserved praise on my palfrey.
Mud-Lark. The odds are 20-1 Do you want to lay that hundred?
Mud-Lark. Mud-Lark.
Mud-Lark. Mud-Lark! Mud-Lark!
Lark, the girls are late again.
Lark, I hope he walks into my parlor before he walks into your web.
Oh, lark.

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