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dribble gate

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News and current affairs

Likewise, I will never forget the eerie feeling of riding my bike through the Brandenburg Gate from West Berlin into the East, and seeing the contrast between people who were free and those who were trapped behind the Iron Curtain.
Barbarians at the Gate?
Barbarians or Geniuses at the Gate?
Just as Mao's portrait has never been taken down from The Gate of Heavenly Peace, so whole elements of his revolution continue to survive in China's institutions, ways of thinking, and modes of interacting with the world.
Intended as one between Europe's Big Three (Britain, France and Germany), it ended up with all kinds of determined but unwelcome gate-crashers from the EU's other governments.
Everyone knows, of course, that this means that the Germans want to keep the Romanians waiting at the EU gate as long as possible.
The gate to Israeli-Arab reconciliation remains where it was always been - in the hands of the Palestinians.
On October 9, the gate leading down this path was thrown open.
Karl Marx would have been proud of them, but it was the Pope's portrait that hung on the gate of Gdansk's Lenin Shipyard during the strike.
But Kan stumbled out of the gate by calling, during his first press conference, for a weaker yen - a statement that drew an instant rebuke from Hatoyama.
Sixty years ago this October, Mao stood on the rostrum of Tiananmen, the Gate of Heavenly Peace in Beijing, and declared the founding of the People's Republic.
Should Chairman Mao's huge portrait still hang above the front gate of Tiananmen Square?
Attending to the gate-keeping role of party officials has become less of a necessity.
In order to secure peace on the home front, leaders will point to the enemies - real or imaginary - at the gate.