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downloaded English

Examples downloaded examples

How do I use downloaded in a sentence?

Simple sentences

They say that Firefox is downloaded over 8 million times a day.
They say that Firefox is downloaded more than 8 million times a day.
Thanks, I downloaded all six files.
He downloaded a software update.
I downloaded it.
I haven't downloaded the files yet.
Tom has downloaded a GPS tracking app onto Mary's mobile phone so that he can know where she is at all times.
I shouldn't have downloaded that.
I downloaded the file which Tom uploaded.
I downloaded the file that Tom uploaded.
I have not yet downloaded the file.
I haven't downloaded the file yet.
It's just a picture I downloaded from the Internet.
I have downloaded a videogame.

Movie subtitles

In 41 minutes, the information from the Tsiolkovsky will be downloaded.
The log should be downloaded into the Enterprise's records.
Our computer has downloaded the specifications for the magnetic coils the freighters depend on.
We downloaded the Yamato log, and in that log was the program.
But it must be a complete shutdown to effect a wipe of the Yamato log, including every event since we downloaded it.
We've downloaded the Lantree's logs, sir.
We have the files we downloaded after your experience, captain.
It came here when we downloaded the probe's files.
You understood the logic of Vantika's MO when he downloaded the computer memory - avoid the single file, attack the system.
Cmdr Data, show them the logs you downloaded.
No. No Loren III sample from the data downloaded from the shuttle.
When we downloaded the data, we found an amazing range of. Well, see for yourself.
Only thing is your computer's been downloaded.
Coordinates downloaded to G.P.S. Sequencer.
I downloaded one.
No Loren III sample from the data downloaded from the shuttle.
When we downloaded the data, we found an amazing range of.
The Borg could have downloaded the code from Data's positronic net.
Commander Data, show them the logs you downloaded from the Array.
They've downloaded your voiceprint, your retinal scan, even your psychiatric profile.
I've downloaded as many of my files from the station as I can but this ship simply wasn't designed to handle many casualties.
I downloaded Scully's data to the newest Lone Gunman.
From there, we used the access codes we were given bypassed the security lockouts and downloaded the disordering protocols into the network.
When I was unconscious, you downloaded my thoughts, my memories.
Those are the records they downloaded to us.
While you downloaded the new world order into me I watched the system work.
He could've downloaded it to anything.
I downloaded this little baby off the net.

News and current affairs

The remaining step - slamming two pieces of HEU together to create a critical mass and an explosion - is easy: the blueprints can be downloaded from the Internet.
The full text of some 3,000 reports by the Academies are available online (at www.nap.edu ), and each can be downloaded for free in any of 146 countries.

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