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dissipation structure English

Synonyms dissipation structure synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as dissipation structure?

dissipation structure English » English

stilling device energy dissipator

Examples dissipation structure examples

How do I use dissipation structure in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The structure of the brain is complicated.
This molecule has a crystalline structure.
Although most of us think of the brain as a single structure, it is actually divided into two hemispheres.
The social structure has changed beyond recognition.
We learn about the structure of the heart in junior high school.
The new concert hall is a tall, modern, structure.
The structure isn't safe.
Our cathedral is an imposing structure.
The structure isn't strong enough to support so much weight.
Your sentence structure and word choice make it very clear indeed that you have a high command of the German language.
Tamy discovered a mistake in the sentence structure.
Esperanto sentence structure (i.e., word order) is extremely flexible and diverse.
Basque may well be the most unusual language of Europe: it has an unconventional structure and is not akin to any other language, and just because of that it lends itself as a worthwhile field of research for linguists.
The brain has a complex structure.
The scientist gave a lecture on the structure of the universe.
I studied the structure of Ainu families.
All the elements of a data structure are public by default.
Francis Crick was one of the discoverers of DNA's structure.
The ideologist of nuclear devastation Bertran Rassel promises to refute (once again) materialsm with his newest ideas about the language structure.
Foundations maintain the structure of the building.
Houston, I am off structure and drifting.

Movie subtitles

I pull into the parking structure.
Once the world's tallest free-standing structure built right here at Front and John.
There's a chance he might be hiding in the big structure at the centre of that complex.
Uh, of the other six, uh, only one has a structure large enough to get that stolen helicopter out of view and under construction.
The whole structure had to collapse before we could learn the truth.
It's not the structure.
Yes, it is an amazing piece of engineering. still the most remarkable iron structure in the world.
What's that weird-looking structure across the ravine?
The structure of the blood is quite different from that of a normal human being.
You see, our family history states. that the structure was built by the Romans over a natural sulphur pit. and used by them as mineral baths.
Gentlemen, you see your inferiority is a question of the bony structure of your skulls.
Its structure has solidified.
My brother was here undermining my financial structure.
The super-structure was all wrong. We had to draw up new plans.
This low, rambling structure, what is it?
If I take my hat and put it on my desk. What is wrong with that? Gwyllam, we're not talking about your hat, we're talking about the sentence, the structure.
This singular structure is known as Driercliff House.
Wonderful structure. but up in the air most of the time.
And you, Porthos, a fine structure to hang pretty clothes on.
You see a piece of machinery, the democratic structure and somebody's always tampering with it.
The skeletal structure's completely normal.
That is, the area of the base is exactly equal to that of a circle, with the height of the structure as its radius.
You have a massive bone structure and a very imposing physique.
Of the other six, only one has a structure large enough to get that stolen helicopter out of view, under construction.
These problems arise from our corporate structure.
I think the whole structure we built up for him would topple down again.
Erosion may have changed the structure of the cliffs.
She's not a woman. She's a corporate structure.
Here's the structure of the atom.
You cannot tolerate a faith in humanity, because if you do, all this, the structure of your very existence, which you built on hate and vengeance, all this will collapse around the naked lie of your life.
That way the structure will not be damaged.
Look at his head. the bone structure.
Judging from the cell structure, I'd say this creature was reptilian.
Both bicuspids have the same filling and tooth structure.

News and current affairs

The development of an Agricultural Main Structure would compliment the European Ecological Main Structure.
Donors should structure aid to ensure that it supports sound national development policies and programs, rather than their own narrow interests.
Such reform is essential if the international financial system is to mediate the sizeable resource transfers that will underpin the required changes in the structure of global demand.
Finally, unlike in Iraq, the intervention did not fundamentally rupture the inner structure of the Afghan state or threaten its very cohesion.
Instead, the EU's structure now demands not only a new consensus about Europe's role in the world, but also new means to achieve consensus.
Because corals provide the habitat structure on which other reef organisms depend, the decreases in coral cover lead to big decreases in a reef's biodiversity.
If this is more than lip service, and if she really carries out a serious reform of the German welfare state's incentive structure, the result could be higher employment and structural economic growth.
Europe and America also share a common structure of economic interests and values.
A regional political structure will maintain the focus on vital but difficult issues such as immigration.
Indeed, NGOs often assume tasks for which the current structure of the UN is unsuited or remains far too weak.
Such strengthening can only be achieved by a fundamental reform of the UN's internal structure.
For the UN to meet these challenges, its very structure must change.
The IMF, World Bank, and WTO should not only report to, but be dependent upon this new UN reformed structure.
Instead, the EU's structure now demands not only a new consensus about Europe's role in the world, but also new means to achieve consensus. History cannot be put on hold as Europe sorts out its internal balance of power.
The point was driven home at the 7th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Beijing this autumn, where European and Asian leaders began exploring ideas for a new global financial structure.
This is exacerbated by their strong anisotropy - the materials have a quasi-two-dimensional structure consisting of a weakly coupled stack of conducting sheets.
Instead, they tend to anticipate the endgame, or at least one potential scenario, namely the unraveling of the entire crisis-containment structure.
Second, the bloody 1959 revolution in Rwanda, a country mirroring Burundi's ethnic and social structure, induced Burundi's Tutsi to cling even more tightly to power.
According to general laws of physics, everything tends to disorder - a process known as entropy. Less well understood is why some agents do the opposite, tending toward order and structure.
This structure harks back to the conditions of NATO's birth, when it was forged to thwart the Soviet threat to Western civilization.
But, while this was reflected in reformist trends in the country's wider political life, a movement toward militant fundamentalism took shape within the regime's power structure.
But it is of a paramount importance that these kinds of change, namely, to incorporate real power into the structure of the UN, make more progress.

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