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discontinuity contact

Examples discontinuity contact examples

How do I use discontinuity contact in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Please contact me later.
Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I'll tell Tom to contact you.
Tom and Mary made eye contact.
How can we contact you?
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.
Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.
They're still in contact with each other.
We are sorry, the person you are trying to contact is not available.
By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other manners and customs.
If you would like to have further information, please contact me.
Will you find my contact lens for me?
When the boy came in contact with the hot stove, he burned his hand.
Sally lost the contact lenses she had bought the day before.
I'm looking for my contact lens.
Have you found your contact lenses?
I hurt my eye when my contact slipped out of place.
Have you been in contact with Mr White recently?
As soon as we find out anything, we will contact him.
Do you have a number where we can contact you?
Have you been in contact with him recently?
I wear contact lenses.
Please contact me by letter.

Movie subtitles

Sorry I contact you again.
The military probably will have to contact us.
I want to contact that person.
I wanted you to contact Sir Jeremiah, but it seems you probably won't, isn't that right?
That's where she made contact with Zero.
Is it because of our indirect contact and what happened at Kamine Island?
C.C. has made contact with the supreme commander!
This is like looking for your lost contact on a beach.
Or will first contact be made some other way?
Well, that would be our first contact with an extraterrestrial civilisation.
Aliens we contact will at least have learned to live with themselves peacefully.
An Army contact told me what happened.
Just act normal, and at a certain point, the Commandant will contact you.
That was the last direct contact I had with the coffin.
There, you'll contact Abd el-Kader's man.
I found a way to contact Abd el-Kader.
I found a way to contact Adbelkader.
I'm sure my father tried to contact them numerous times over the years.
Normally it will activate only when a bullet comes into contact, but if we programmed it to stay on.
They what? You don't think your contact sold you out, did he?
I can reproduce any power that I come into contact with.
Yes. Moreover, thanks to Linker having made contact with him, we now have a better idea of what it was that Teacher sensed about Ivan.
From here on in, you are forbidden to contact Dr. Gilmore and his Zero-Zero cyborgs under any circumstances.
Before he died, my father was in contact with him.
Reddington says he has a contact.
A contact inside Customs and Excise.
Contact the South secretly, and request for them to mediate for the United States and us.
It's Yeom Dong Ha. Get Yeom Dong Ha to contact me on the security number.
Have you been well? Would someone who's curious as to how I've been doing not contact me and only meet in a place like this, under these kind of circumstances?
I won't call yet. When you decide how much you want for the building, have Secretary Kim contact me.
Contact the Coast Guard.
He will contact you in 5 minutes.
I am the point of contact. between eternity and time.
It needs contact to work.
The contact with an audience, that's what I wanted to have.
I would describe myself as a contact man.
I keep contact between Matuschek and the customers on a bicycle.
Contact. Take off.

News and current affairs

Establishing a contact group of Iraq's neighbors to help set rules of the road for stabilization and containment will be an important step.
The two civilizations had centuries of contact in ancient times.
True enough, they talk to foreign journalists who report their actions; however, such contact is not illegal.
No African man is supposed to be gay, and physical contact between men is presumed to be innocent.
As I watched, a European next to me explained that such dancing is accepted, so long as the contact between the men is left undefined.
I asked a contact in the interfaith world why.
But Phelps chose Yale, where he came into direct contact with James Tobin and Thomas Schelling.
Within a mobile and open Europe, there can be no fencing off of foreign cultures; contact cannot be avoided.
But increasingly arbitrary and nonsensical restrictions are impeding the diffusion of knowledge through personal contact, and choking the global flow of skills and learning.
For example, both share a religious concern with bringing the individual into direct contact with God, and both entail a radical challenge to foreign domination in the temporal world.
Maximizing economic, social, and cultural contact between rich and poor remains both the best way to aid the flow of knowledge and the last best hope for rapid world development.
In many developed countries, the decline of mental hospitals has brought psychiatric services into closer professional contact than ever with these and other medical domains.
For this reason, there should be two points of contact during a catastrophe.
Or will some simply begin to contact real-estate agents to line up office space in Paris or Frankfurt?
They have often dismissed as unorthodox, if not heretical, any claim of personal contact with the Imam or speculation about his arrival.
Likewise, other prisoners will be expelled to the West Bank, and will not come into contact with the Israeli population, neither in the settlements nor in Israel.
The water in as many as half of the country's rivers and lakes is unfit for human consumption or contact.
The SCO has established a contact group with Afghanistan. Both sides want to do more, and they might be able to make a greater impact by working together rather than separately.
But both NATO and the SCO have so far hesitated to engage in closer contact.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health agencies were working behind the scenes, painstakingly tracing anyone who may have come into contact with Duncan and quarantining those who might transmit the disease.
Pathogens come into contact with susceptible hosts that they have never before encountered, and that never had the opportunity to evolve resistance.
As human populations crowd new parts of the planet and come into contact with new animal habitats, new infectious diseases spread from animals to humans.
The SCO has established a contact group with Afghanistan.