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dinas brick English

Synonyms dinas brick synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as dinas brick?

dinas brick English » English

silica brick

Examples dinas brick examples

How do I use dinas brick in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The chimney is made of brick.
He just won't listen. Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall.
He is thick as a brick.
I prefer to shop at brick-and-mortar stores.
Talking to Tom is like talking to a brick wall.
I put a brick on top of the rubbish bin so the wind wouldn't tear it open.
This is unquestionably a brick wall.
Jane swims like a brick.
This chimney is made of brick.
It's a large brick building.
It makes no difference if you talk to him or not. One might as well talk to a brick wall.
Tom's younger brother is dumb as a brick.
Tired of banging his head against a brick wall, Tom decided to take Mary's suggestion.
Sami accused Layla of throwing a brick through his window.

Movie subtitles

A good, clean, honest whack over the 'ead with a brick is one thing...something British about that.
Somebody threw a brick through Meyer Blum's window last night.
I've been on hot brick s all these months, ever since the row started and dawker began to spy on me.
But the brick, maybe.
Scratching up against me like a match on a brick.
As for the stewards, if they don't do what they're told. they've got a nice cozy brick wall to lean up against.
And all you do is follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Just follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road?
Don't look now, but you're standing under a brick wall.
That same brick factory uses convict labor.
It came with the force of God's lightning when the school building collapsed because of politics' rotten brick.
I live in the same brick pile with young Rembrandt.
You brick redhead, I'll play with you!
When she's spent all his money, she'll drop him like a hot brick.
And the stewards would got a nice cosy brick wall to lean against.
Don't they know this is a brick jail. surrounded and guarded by United States soldiers?
The sky was so big and blue and that brick top of his. blazing like the bejiggers in the sun.
It was what they call half-timbered, with tapestry brick underneath.
A-A-And just 'cause I'm a gold brick, he-he's gonna chop me into firewood!
All boats from Brick. Make them look good. It's the first time they've seen PT boats.
All boats from Brick.
Brick from Rusty. That ought to show them.
Look, Brick, for years I've been taking your fatherly advice.
The old wooden ceilings were replaced by brick vaults and the slender, soaring ribs met in pointed arches.
You walk around on it, you're apt to get conked on the head by a loose brick.
A brick.
That means alternating a stretcher and a header, or having the length of a brick, and then a width facing outwards.
In the innermost vault, there is a brick well, still holding water.
Coming home from Madagascar once, we had a fireman on board who hit his head on a brick wall and died two days later.
Where could he find a brick wall on board a ship?
I'II get Grandma's brick to heat his feet!
Going along at 150 miles an hour, he gets a blowout, and he smears himself across the brick wall.

News and current affairs

The only way, he says, for the Fed to have kept stock prices in reasonable equilibrium ranges in the late 1990's would have been to raise interest rates so high that they hit the real economy on the head with a brick.
Instead of focusing on securing a soft landing today, Chinese policymakers should be worrying about the brick wall that economic growth may hit in the second half of the quinquennium.
But, as everyone kicks the can down the road, the can is getting heavier and, in the major emerging markets and advanced economies alike, is approaching a brick wall.
But gene therapy has run up against a brick wall.
Yet every year, new brick houses, some quite substantial, emerge among the hovels.
Next year, she will expand the hut, and will eventually apply for land and begin to build a brick house.
When a government-run brick plant in Hongdong County of Shanxi Province was revealed to be using slave labor, a famous episode from a Beijing opera flashed through my mind.
As I click on the Web site of the county government, there is no mention of slave labor or child workers at the brick factory.
As a result of the slave-labor brick plants, as well as reports of an eight-year-old child worker being buried alive and migrant workers killed, Hongdong's name has become infamous.
Yet despite the scandal, migrant workers and children in school uniforms are still being abducted from other provinces and pushed into monstrous brick plants and coalmines.
After all, the brick factory bosses paid 400 Yuan for each child, so their property rights are at stake.
For slavery is not confined to Hongdong's brick plants.
Seven years ago, a lawmaker from Hunan province went to Shanxi province to rescue slave workers from brick plants.
There are more than 1,000 brick plants and coalmines around China, and most are under the protection of corrupt officials.
At the same time, the new digital economy is less capital-intensive than the old brick-and-mortar economy. This may be accentuated in the future by the advent of the so-called sharing economy.
Today, the wall dividing Jerusalem is not made of concrete or brick - but that does not make it any less real.

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