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Examples diagram hierarchie examples

How do I use diagram hierarchie in a sentence?

Simple sentences

This diagram will illustrate what I mean.
The diagram above commutes if and only if f is an isomorphism.
I don't understand this diagram.

Movie subtitles

Now look, this is a map and diagram of the whole Cocoanut section.
You wouldn't know if I drew a diagram.
Do I have to draw you a diagram?
Maybe I could draw you a diagram of it here a little.
You will proceed directly to the point of rendezvous and assume your positions, as shown by this diagram.
Do I have to draw a diagram?
I want to see a diagram of the apartment.
We're through with that diagram.
I've drawn a complete diagram.
I never did learn to dance respectably. I always used a diagram.
Here's the diagram, test it!
Oh, here, I'll diagram it for you.
Now, Charly. this is a diagram.
I'll make a diagram of the mining tonight.
The triumphal point of the diagram is that you can clearly see that the hydrogen gas in the Galaxy is distributed in spiral arms.
You will proceed directly to the point of rendezvous and assume your positions as shown by this diagram.
All right, there's the diagram, you find his pendi.his peri. pe. you.
Three-dimensional diagram, right.
A diagram, signed by Saroyan.
Mm-hmm. Now, here's a diagram of all the underground pipes running in and out of Stalag 13. Now, uh.
It's his job to- - Did you get the diagram? - Yes, I have it here.
They never tell you which is in the diagram.
Without the Lutz diagram, we might as well forget all about it.
No. - I want to see a diagram of the apartment.
Here's a diagram.
Please build up a figure out of the bricks such as in the diagram.
Do you remember the diagram?
At page thirty-six, third diagram from the bottom.!
You got the diagram?
I've got a diagram somewhere.
Go to the tower and get a runway diagram.
What is this diagram for?
It's crazy, but your diagram actually translates - into some kind of circuit board.

News and current affairs

In order to explain it to my students at Sciences Po in Paris, I have devised a kind of wiring diagram that shows the connections among the different bodies responsible for the various components of oversight.
As in a Venn diagram, Obama is placing the US at that central point where all the different ellipses overlap.
In the new Obama world order, transatlantic relations are not the foundation, but just one of the Venn diagram's ellipses - as significant or insignificant as Europeans choose to make it.

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