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denunciation English

Meaning denunciation meaning

What does denunciation mean?


a public act of denouncing

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The revenue master told me they have a denunciation of you as well there.
I approved the denunciation of Titoism.
Who will believe the denunciation of an excommunicated heretic, of a fleeing rebel who will be hanged as soon as he's found, and without a trial.
This anonymous denunciation doesn't cover a tenth of what I've found here.
The denunciation against him is false, as confessed by the denunciator.
It's nothing less than a call for denunciation!
And if you see someone in that department only a few meters away from him, denunciation, the whole department police in New York.
Every German was at risk from denunciation.
One denunciation bears the signature of a 20-year-old neighbour, Resi Kraus.
It was their responsibility, quite clearly, for having accepted a suicidal risk in emptying waste into the river and for not foreseeing consequences such as Julio's denunciation.
His CV was accompanied by several photocopied files, showing proof of a denunciation policy within the company.
Indeed, no leads had been found to a possible culprit, although the Baron's appeal had led to a flood of mutual suspicions, even to some attempts at denunciation, that had all turned out to be untenable.
Right. Or if I had someone crucial to the life I want for myself it would be perverse some denunciation of the experience of life itself if I gave that up.
But to see you here alone, above suspicion, a victim of denunciation, made me feel depressed.
It's incapable of writing a denunciation letter, but. when it comes to mocking the police, to crossing the inspector, that's.
I have provoked my denunciation.
But denunciation is a serious accusation.
You get my denunciation on your table.
Denunciation is not my thing.
This letter smells like a joke, a hoax. It's incapable of writing a denunciation letter, but. when it comes to mocking the police, to crossing the inspector, that's.
Arrested on denunciation and shot.
I destroyed one denunciation, but how long can I go on?
A denunciation?
Was it you who, after reading Latunsky's article, wrote a denunciation saying that the master kept illegal literature?
In the absence of concrete evidence, I'm surprised you give so much weight to a single anonymous denunciation.
An anonymous denunciation?
The denunciation is real, Lorenzo.
It has come to the attention of the Officers of the Night, by means of secret denunciation, Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci has committed the grievous act of sodomy.
If you have any respect for the powers that command me, you will never again mention forcing me to write the denunciation.
Four, the release to me of the secret denunciation which accused me.
Escaping that denunciation, perhaps I can find her again.
Whose agent authored this denunciation...to have me burned.

News and current affairs

Initially, Khrushchev didn't plan to keep his denunciation of Stalin a secret.
Following the Kingdom's official denunciation of Hezbollah, the Saudi state called on its official Wahhabi clerics to issue fatwas condemning Hezbollah as Shiite deviants and heretics.
But since when were sentiment and moral denunciation sufficient ingredients of a policy?
Winston Churchill's famous denunciation of the delaying tactics of the British and French on the eve of World War II should be a warning to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Yet ever since the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, Russia and China have sought to rekindle the close relations that once supposedly existed between the USSR and Mao's China before Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin in 1956.

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