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denominational value English

Synonyms denominational value synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as denominational value?

denominational value English » English

par value par face value face amount

Examples denominational value examples

How do I use denominational value in a sentence?

Simple sentences

We value punctuality.
The sculptures are of great value.
We need to be aware of the value of time.
You never realize the value of something till you lose it.
I value Tom as a friend.
A valuable object decreases in value if it is damaged.
The value of the yen has risen greatly.
The yen is expected to lose value against the dollar.
If you have a good garden, it will enhance the value of your house.
It is of great value.
It is of little value.
Of what value is it?
It has a value all its own.
I put great value on your knowledge about it.
Milk is of great value to babies.
The value of the dollar has fallen recently.
The book is of great value.
Its value had trebled.
The two books are equivalent in value.

Movie subtitles

Will the Japan they hand over have any value?
How pathetic. we value ourselves above others.
It's a good way to destress and adds value to the services.
I took a look at my assets, I assigned a value, and then I went in and asked for more than that.
That having been said, as a nomad, I know the value of a piece of bacon or half a dozen eggs.
If these lots don't double in value in a year, I don't know what you can do about it.
Well, we're getting on. But we haven't reached the value yet.
In the case of Dr. Mabuse, we're not dealing with a human being of value but with an evil criminal who only escaped the gallows by entering an insane asylum.
When your master died, Laing. I believe him to have been possessed of a jewel of great value.
You don't know the value of that jewel.
I don't care for the value.
There's no one whose friendship I value more.
I charge you, as you value your mistress' life, to do nothing and say nothing of this episode.
Yes, a very interesting folktale. but of no value to the police.
We value freedom! Only a holy war can bring freedom and independence.
Because some humans value privacy.
Youre in China now, sir, where time and life have no value.
Egad, they're an appalling lot. not likely to be of much value on the plantation.
At what do you value each of those?
Oh, critics don't value genius.
Let it never be said of Don Paquito. that he didn't know how to value beauty!
They keep insisting they should have some nuisance value.
Nuisance value?
Nuisance value.
I think I got pretty good value for my money.
I never taught her the value of money because I didn't intend she should ever have to know it.
Point number two: this liquid has no value of any sort.
You must all remain if you value your lives. or mine, or anything else in this world.
Money has value only when it leaves our pockets. not when it goes into them!
Frankly, V.S., well, I think the value lies in the copy and not the picture.
They represent all together a value of 600,000 Francs.
Oatalogue value.
The real value is much higher!
But carefully. lt represents a value of over 600,000 Francs!
No value.
We've supplied goods to them tickets' value.
Well, then I shall value it all the more.

News and current affairs

SAN FRANCISCO - It has never been easy to have a rational conversation about the value of gold.
Fortunately Russia now seems to grasp the value of this political aspect of NATO-enlargement.
Unions, too, are resisting the necessary wage reductions, and public and private debtors fear the prospect of insolvency if their assets and revenues are assessed at a lower value, while their debts remain unchanged.
The carrot is needed because there is great social value in discovering, for example, that cut flowers, or soccer balls, or computer software can be produced at low cost, because this knowledge can orient the investments of other entrepreneurs.
In this world without utopia, individual freedom is the supreme value.
Haldane bases his analysis on the trend in the Gross Value Added (GVA) of the financial sector.
When our prey numbers decline, their economic value tends to increase, so fishing intensifies.
CAMBRIDGE - Although I appreciate that exchange rates are never easy to explain or understand, I find today's relatively robust value for the euro somewhat mysterious.
Given this, what arguments support the current value of the euro, or its further rise?
Second, investors may be remembering that even though the dollar was at the epicenter of the 2008 financial panic, the consequences radiated so widely that, paradoxically, the dollar actually rose in value.
Perhaps the transmission mechanism would be through US banks, many of which remain vulnerable, owing to thin capitalization and huge portfolios of mortgages booked far above their market value.
But, because the overall value of the euro has to be a balance of the eurozone's north and south, one can argue that 1.4 is within a reasonable range.
There might be some money in repackaging, but not the billions that banks made by slicing and dicing sub-prime mortgages into packages whose value was much greater than their contents.
In such conditions, most firms and consumers will be cautious about spending - an option value of waiting - thus further weakening the economy.
But deficit spending by governments continued apace, and public debt as a share of GDP in industrial countries climbed steadily from the late 1970's, this time without inflation to reduce its real value.
Last week, IMF staff formally recommended adding the renminbi to the basket of currencies that determines the value of its so-called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).
Three levers could be used to reach this goal: adjustment in nominal wages, extension of working time, and a reduction in social-security contributions (compensated for by an increase in value-added tax).
In Uganda, Vice President Gilbert Bukenya routinely travels the country, promoting higher-value farming, such as dairy production.
Nowadays, every North Korean seems to like money and know its value.
But human predators are different. When our prey numbers decline, their economic value tends to increase, so fishing intensifies.
These countries recognize the practical value of investing in Africa's development, as well as the moral and political imperative of keeping their promises.
But cotton potentially offers the best payback, because it has cash value on the international market and can be stored for long periods of time.

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