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cutout fuse

Examples cutout fuse examples

How do I use cutout fuse in a sentence?

Simple sentences

A fuse has blown.
Shit, I blew a fuse!
The fuse has blown.
Tom has a short fuse.
The short circuit blew a fuse.
A brown dwarf is a celestial object, in which fusion occurs, but that is not massive enough to fuse hydrogen.
The fuse lit at once.
Tom lit the fuse.
We must've blown a fuse.
We've probably blown a fuse.
Tom's got a short fuse and flies off the handle at the drop of a hat.
Tom overloaded his power board and blew a fuse.

Movie subtitles

And if the red giant does not have enough mass to fuse carbon, an inert mass of carbon and oxygen builds up in the center, transforming into a dense white dwarf.
Blood is mingling with red blood, the drops fuse inseparably.
Must have been a fuse.
Yeah, a fuse named Charlie.
The fuse burned?
Yes, the fuse.
Get out two kegs and a length of fuse.
Now, the fuse.
A powerhouse to some, but he's a blown-out fuse to me.
Look carefully around the base of the fuse.
Very gently now place the web wrench around the fuse.
Turn the fuse by hand.
I'd better look at that fuse box just for the record.
Besides, I'm sitting on a short fuse.
The fuse box blew.
I went down to fix the fuse.
What fuse?
The fuse that was blowed out.
Check the fuse.
The fuse is lighted.
He's going to try to con fuse him, isn't he?
Have you ever tried to con fuse one of. those Mexican police?
I came to fix a fuse.
I smell a gun fuse!
And I suppose that doesn't look like a fuse?
I used to. In a fuse factory.
Taylor. I'd like your opinion as a fuse king.
Are you a fuse expert?
The lead which Stuart found must go to a second trembler fuse in the body.
I - I understand that the fuse work is being transferred away from here, sir.
He very kindly said he'd take me along with him, sir, to carry on the fuse work.
Where does he come off, blowing a fuse?
Now, this is the last long bone to fuse into one piece. As you can see, it's almost closed.
Double the powder and shorten the fuse! Shorten the powder and double the fuse!

News and current affairs

The genius of The Limits to Growth was to fuse these worries with fears of running out of stuff.
We see educated men who don't know how to make a cup of coffee, and professional women with no idea about how to change a fuse.
Only America was (and potentially still is) able to fuse realism and idealism, self-interest and ethics, in its foreign policy.
As one expert put it, its permanent members' veto was designed to be like a fuse box in an electrical system: better that the lights go out than that the house burn down.
Moreover, there is an acute risk that the power vacuum created in Iraq will fuse the Israeli-Arab conflict, Iraq, and Afghanistan into one regional mega-crisis.
But, with 90 days left to bridge the ideological and partisan divide before another crisis erupts, the fuse on America's debt bomb is getting shorter and shorter.
No other nation - not China, Europe, India, or Russia - has the power and the sense of mission to take on America's role. Only America was (and potentially still is) able to fuse realism and idealism, self-interest and ethics, in its foreign policy.
The hydrogen revolution has started, but with a slow-burning fuse.
Turkish Islam is more moderate and pluralistic than elsewhere in the Middle East, and, since at least the late Ottoman period, Turkey has sought to fuse Islam and Westernization.
There is little agreement about who lit the fuse.
Only at extremely high temperatures - over 100 million degrees Celsius, or almost ten times hotter than the sun - do the nuclei move so rapidly that they overcome their repulsion and fuse.
At some point the two tiers would fuse, and the world would be nuclear-weapon-free.
Understanding in their bones the deep popularity of social causes, free trade's enemies cleverly fuse trade protectionism with a defense of other social programs and values.