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cutout board

Examples cutout board examples

How do I use cutout board in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The fisherman saved himself by means of a floating board.
Have all the passengers got on board yet?
My plan to study abroad went by the board when my father died.
Tom had the only pool in town with a diving board.
Mary's as flat as a board.
Tom played a board game.
Stick a notice on the board.
There were not more than one hundred passengers on board the ferry.
Three workers on board the truck were killed in the accident.
The tanker has only a small crew on board.
The board is about two meters long.
The board is strong enough to bear the weight.
How thick is the board?
Drive the nail into the board.
The ship was carrying a lot of passengers on board.
The jet plane had 500 passengers on board.
The sign on the board put me in mind of something I had to do.
There were fifty passengers on board the bus.
We went on board at ten.
How many people are on board?
Passengers should board the train now.
Go on board.
The passengers on board were mostly Japanese.
The ship sank with all her crew on board.
How many people are on board the ship?
He is on board the ship.

Movie subtitles

It has only these four strings and a board for its trunk..
Check the board, make sure you know where.
Yes, which also means we have until he gets to the bottom of his latte to get him back on board.
You take the board away, mainly what they're doing is leaning.
Declan had been struggling for weeks and ever since returning from Thailand, we'd said that he needed to slow down, you know, because we had Jared Morehu on board, but.
Are we suddenly in a board game?
It started some years ago when Brenda White, Janelle Peacocke, Professor Plummer and I realised we all shared our rather unique surnames with a timeless, classic and most rewarding board game.
All I need to know is when and for how long he was in the District Health Board records.
And Declan isn't on board? No.
I'm afraid I have to report the incident to the General Nursing Council and the Central Midwives Board.
There's a Babycham on the draining board, if you want it?
All we have to do is check in separately and then we just board the flight a few minutes earlier.
And so does our board of directors.
What are the qualifications to be a board member?
Are you going to board the Dolphin with me?
Asset on board.
The skipper sent word to Sir Archie and his men that they may board ship this evening.
The Board of the Ateneum theatre.
Okay, step on that board, Mama.
Take it away before the Board of Health gets here.
And she only threw her hat at you because you were the one man on board. oh, shut up!
There's no board meeting today.
Tell him we're waiting for him in the board room.
He's at a board meeting.
Board meeting?
First I trample on the board of directors, then I promote Matt to assistant cashier, and to complete the day, I've a visit from my sweet, lovely, gorgeous wife.
The board of directors turned me down, but you know why.
I'll even pay for my board if you insist on it nicely.
Asset on board. En route.
Speaking for the board of directors, as well as for myself, if you insist in times like these on cutting the fees. of the board of directors, then we resign.
I don't want to hand your resignation to the board.
I'd love to be on board.
A lot. That being the case, I'll take it up with the board of directors.
Would it interest you to know while you've been on board.

News and current affairs

The recommendation to enlarge the SDR basket has been warmly backed by Christine Lagarde, the IMF's managing director, and a final decision by the Fund's executive board is expected at the end of the month.
The Arthur Anderson, Enron, and WorldCom scandals didn't emerge out of thin air, but had their origins in the mid-1990s, when the US Treasury actually intervened to stop attempts by the supposedly independent accounting standards board to improve matters.
While the US Federal Reserve Board's first round of quantitative easing was effective in ending a wrenching crisis, the second round has done little to sustain meaningful recovery in the labor market and the real economy.
Stigmatizing Russia and China as pariahs will not get them on board.
On the top board - military relations among states - the world is, indeed, unipolar, and likely to remain that way for decades.
But on the middle board of economic relations, the world is already multipolar, and the US cannot obtain the outcomes it wants without the cooperation of Europe, Japan, China, and others.
Yet it is on this bottom board that we find most of the greatest challenges we face today.
Whoever plays a three-dimensional game by focusing on only one board is bound to lose in the long run.
Even Burma has gotten on board, resuming diplomatic engagement with the US while trying to work its way out of China's shadow.
Across the board, more global rules are needed so that global efforts to confront poverty, disease, and mass migration can be made consistent, predictable and most of all effective.
Could the American public's faith in Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, America's central bank, be a satisfactory explanation?
No one forced Argentina to adopt the currency board devised by Domingo Cavallo, the former economy minister, which pegged the peso to the dollar at a fixed exchange rate of one to one.
Fear of these costs, combined with IMF bailouts, kept Argentina from abandoning its currency board long after it was clear that the system could not be sustained.
Investors did not understand that Argentina was at risk of longer-term stagnation as a result of its currency board gamble.
While sovereign credit quality has deteriorated virtually across the board, and will most probably continue to do so, the implications for individual countries vary.
But this must be accompanied by measures to keep all Latin American countries on board.
In America, the only questions are whether a board will force a CEO to leave and, if so, how big his severance package will be.
On this economic board, other countries often balance American power.
On this bottom board, power is widely dispersed, and it makes no sense to speak of unipolarity, multipolarity, or hegemony.
Many of the real challenges to American power are coming not on the upper military board, on which the unilateralists concentrate, but on the lower transnational board.
A couple of weeks later, I was faced with one of those conflicts: a board meeting here, a conference there, another opportunity at the same time somewhere else.