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cross recercely English

Synonyms cross recercely synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as cross recercely?

cross recercely English » English

cross moline

Examples cross recercely examples

How do I use cross recercely in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tom was afraid to cross the road.
There must be some way to cross the river.
No giraffe can cross this river.
We will cross the street now.
Don't cross your bridges before you come to them.
Cross off the names of the people who have paid their dues.
Mayuko looks cross.
Charlie decided to cross out the last word.
It then became necessary to settle the best route for the line to follow; and that was determined, in the first place, by the shape of the land it had to cross.
Cross the road with care.
The two lines cross each other at right angles.
It is dangerous to cross that old bridge.
It is very dangerous to cross this street.
Let's cross here.
He is cross because she always comes late.
As you have insulted him, he is cross with you.
No cross, no crown.
Cross out all the wrong answers.
I never cross this bridge without being reminded of my childhood.
You have to cross the ocean to get to America.
When I'm home and I'm going to the corner drugstore to pick up some shampoo, why do you always tell me to be careful how I cross the street?
We'll cross the river in a boat.
We take part in Red Cross movement.
I saw an old woman cross the street.

Movie subtitles

Elder Cross and Elder Green, you will be serving in.
Once you cross it, you will not be able to come back.
I don't know what's going on, but they are talking at cross purposes.
Did you paths cross much?
So we cross-reference the two?
As soon as he cross the border, he will be arrested.
And whatever happens there you make the sign of the cross.
At the Sabbath witches and sorcerers first desecrate the Church's holy cross.
Not on the cross, Lord Margrave - on the sharp edge of your sword!
I shall mark the spot with a little cross myself!
I entreat you, by the cross you gave me, to come to me today it is the loneliest place in the city.
You try to cross over there a chicken, and you'll find out viaduct.
This cross.
This cross marks the spot where the shirt was last seen.
The cross and the crescent are irreconcilable.
Why can't the cross and the crescent get along?
Can't the cross and the crescent get along?
Yes, but that complicates things for us a bit, now, doesn't it, you know, being as we can't cross swords with the Guardians and so forth.
We shall proceed with the cross-examination.
I'll cross my own mud.
Someday. Somewhere. Our trails will cross again.
The cross, put it away.
The cross.
You'll find that I am, unless you cross me.
Cross my heart.
These gentlemen have cross words.
Cross the Danube any way you want.
Crossing the Danube 19th - 20th of July 1877 The patrols cross.
Margit, recalling the gypsy's words, makes the sign of the cross.
But he's cross-eyed.
You try to cross over there a chicken, and you'll find out viaduct. I no go someplace.
Halt! You know you're forbidden to cross.
Then put a cross.
Each grave is indicated by a cross. Or by a piece of wood.
You'd be awfully cross if I'd had affairs.

News and current affairs

More recently, Kaufman was devastating in his cross-examination of Goldman Sachs executives.
Even this limited version would constitute progress; most of the gains arise from removing the red tape that complicates cross-border establishment of small and medium-size service enterprises and limits competition in broad sectors of the economy.
Some of this variation may be explained by cross-national differences regarding what it means to be religious.
But, as a new report by Deutsche Bank Research shows, banks' cross-border business - direct or via branches or subsidiaries - has now broadly stabilized.
The bottom chessboard is the realm of transnational relations that cross borders outside of government control.
Given India's dependence on cross-border water flows from Tibet, it could end up paying a heavy price.
So a major effort to construct a cross-border resolution framework is under way.
This, in turn, would bring greater gains from trade, stronger competition, larger cross-border capital flows, lower borrowing costs, and more opportunities for sharing risk, all of which were expected ultimately to boost investment and productivity.
In an era of globalized financial markets, when countries can find it hard to cope with rapid cross-border capital flows, there is no time for complacency. A lesson of the 1990's is that vulnerabilities must be dealt with before they become crises.
Every other emerging market, even in Asia, has eventually had to cross this bridge.
Fortunately, the American Red Cross and other organizations have been following the Rotary model, using private donations and private volunteers to fill the gap left by our political leaders.
Red Cross chapters across Africa, in partnership with other organizations, are now distributing bed nets free of charge to impoverished families, in the same way that Rotary has been distributing polio vaccines.
No region of the world has benefited more from cross-border banking, yet these achievements are now at risk - and with them the European bank groups themselves.
The threat to cross-border banks comes not only from their deteriorating balance sheets in the face of lower sovereign-debt quality and weaker growth prospects, but also from the policy response itself.
John Stuart Mill, in his classic book On Liberty, considered a situation in which a man sets out to cross a bridge that we know is unsafe.
Millions of people in Southeast Asia venture to the Middle East to work, but millions more cross borders within the region.
The bottom chessboard is the realm of transnational relations that cross borders beyond government control.
If orderly treatment of unsecured senior creditors requires a new cross-border regime to close down insolvent European banks, such a regime should be implemented without delay.
Equally important is research into the most effective measures to combat cross-border animal and plant diseases.
The deep cross-border links between financial institutions and the activity of globally active investment banks only took a brief hit from the crisis.
But, without a broadly consistent approach, the authorities risk creating a legal patchwork that would make cross-border banking less efficient, more expensive, and more difficult to conduct.
Combating cross-border terrorism is also an area where the value of EU cooperation ought to be self-evident.
Ominously, in a referendum this month, Danish voters, swayed by similar concerns about refugees and terrorism, rejected proposals for closer cross-border policing cooperation with the EU.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has embarked on a campaign to force President Barack Obama to set a red line that Iran must not cross, lest it risk unleashing an American military response.
A system based on sharia (Islamic law) has been imposed, human-rights abuses are legion, and cross-border movement of weapons and militants has undermined the security of Libya's neighbors.
They devised an electoral system whereby Poles would not vote for candidates of their choice, but would cross out those they did not want - which is to say, each and every communist.
In an era of globalized financial markets, when countries can find it hard to cope with rapid cross-border capital flows, there is no time for complacency.
It raised the stakes for the island's pro-independence camp and increased the risk of a cross-Strait military conflict.
By embarking on a series of mega-dams in its ethnic-minority-populated borderlands, China is seeking to appropriate river waters before they cross its frontiers.

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