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cormophyte plant English

Synonyms cormophyte plant synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as cormophyte plant?

cormophyte plant English » English


Examples cormophyte plant examples

How do I use cormophyte plant in a sentence?

Simple sentences

This plant is dying for want of water.
Do you plant pumpkins?
He will plant a pine tree.
In spring you can plant radishes, spinach and lettuce.
Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.
Our company is planning to build a new chemical plant in Russia.
They are nature's laboratory for all kinds of plant, animal and insect life.
The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity.
Don't expose the plant to direct sunlight.
This plant grew little by little.
The plant ranges from the north of Europe to the south.
Many workers were laid off at that plant.
In this corner of the room I'd like to put a house-plant.
This plant is good to eat.
This kind of plant grows only in the tropical regions.
Little is known of this curious plant.
We observed this plant closely for a few weeks.
Spring is the time to plant trees.
Here is an atomic power plant.
If a tree dies, plant another in its place.
We went there to plant saplings.
Lavender is my favorite plant.
If you plant an apple seed, it might grow into a tree.
Carl Linnaeus is famous for his early classifications of thousands of animals and plant species.
What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.
It's a very decorative plant.

Movie subtitles

And the murderers and the robbers, and the AIDS, and the snakes, and the safari ants, which can actually plant their eggs underneath your skin and eat you from the inside out.
I didn't realize you actually had to go to a farm and plant the vegetables first.
It is a plant that grows in central Europe.
The capital, the plant, the machinery..
Kringelein, at the plant.
I understood you to say that you reported to our plant ill. and you're here in Berlin indulging in diversions. which are very much beyond your means?
Nothing but a rubber plant would fit in with the Ferncliffes.
You have an interesting plant here.
We plant trees.
I found the most extraordinary plant today.
You better tell them to plant some more for tomorrow.
I wonder where is that horrible Madagascar plant?
A plant just ate a frog.
It makes one wonder. just where the plant world leaves off. and the animal world begins.
I build railroads and roads, dig the ground, plant trees.
The Blessed who abducted Ivan headed in the direction of the Savior tank plant, which also happens to be a company capable of creating a man-made virus?
Wolfsbane. It is a plant that grows in central Europe.
We'll plant acres and acres of watermelons.
The capital, the plant, the machinery.. For instance, we'll take mop rags.
I got a feeling that Mariphasa ain't a human plant, sir. not like this vine.
You must seize the only specimen of the Mariphasa plant in England.
I warn you, sir. unless you secure this plant. and discover the secret of nurturing it in this country. there'll be an epidemic. that will turn London into a shambles.
Sewage disposal plant?
How do you know she's not another plant from the DA's office?
Plant your seed.
You can't plant until spring.
Why can't I plant my wheat and pay you out of the proceeds like you promised last summer?
Telling the truth won't give you magical powers. You can't put this plant back together!
I want to go where there's life. And I don't mean plant life.
Plant somebody upstairs. You cover the auto ramp.

News and current affairs

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran began enriching uranium at a pilot centrifuge plant last August, and is constructing larger underground enrichment facilities.
KIEV: Chernobyl, the world's most notorious nuclear power plant, will be shut down today, fourteen years after it spewed clouds of radioactive dust into the atmosphere.
Dealing with the aftermath of the disaster will remain a financial burden even with the plant closed.
Yet closing the plant proves that we keep our promises.
This means that once predator species become depleted, fishing pressure shifts towards plant-eating fish species, leading to precipitous declines in the numbers of herbivores on coral reefs.
Corals are formed by a symbiosis between an animal and a one-celled plant.
The animal provides shelter and nutrients for the plant; the plant converts sunlight into energy, which it shares with the animal.
The plant is expelled, and corals turn a brilliant white color.
For example, Japan's nuclear regulatory authority was not sufficiently independent, and oversight of the plant operator, TEPCO, was weak.
Indeed, governments, regulators, and plant operators around the world have begun learning the right lessons.
But the plant was not designed to withstand the 14-meter-high tsunami waves that swept over its protective sea wall less than an hour later.
Plant operators and national regulators are being scrutinized more critically.
Mexico already employs 1.5 million people to plant and manage the country's forests.
Indeed, the opposite is true. Nuclear power is saddled with three major unresolved risks: plant safety, nuclear waste, and, most menacing of all, the risk of military proliferation.
Peasant farmers in Africa, Haiti, and other impoverished regions currently plant their crops without the benefit of high-yield seed varieties and fertilizers.
Such a low national saving rate would not be sufficient to finance the level of new investment in plant, equipment, and housing that the country needs.
In this sense, perhaps the most troubling aspect of the interim deal concerns Iran's yet-to-be-opened Arak plant, which would offer a path to domestic plutonium production and weaponization.
Although rice plants do not normally synthesize beta-carotene in the endosperm (seeds), they do make it in the green portions of the plant.
Nor does he needs expensive machinery to plant his seeds; his plow is drawn by cattle, and he pushes seeds into the ground with his bare hands.
Recently, together with other scientists, I studied the animals in the human exclusion zone around the plant.
The plant's operators temporarily halted electricity generation to curb the risk of a radiation release, but nothing came of the threat.
It will become safer still in the coming years, provided that governments, plant operators, and regulators do not drop their guard.
Mao Zedong, on visiting and talking to experts at a modern steel plant in Manchuria, is reported to have lost confidence that the backyard furnaces were a good idea after all, but feared the effects of a loss of momentum.

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