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convolute can

Examples convolute can examples

How do I use convolute can in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore.
You can probably guess what happens though.
You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.
Let me know if there is anything I can do.
I can't live without a TV.
When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.
I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time!
We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second.
You can trust him to keep his word.
Can you ride a horse?
Can you tell wheat from barley?
Sometimes he can be a strange guy.
I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.
I can't live that kind of life.
Sometimes I can't help showing emotions.
One can always find time.
I am a flawed person, but these are flaws that can easily be fixed.
You can do it.
One can't expect everything from schools.
I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly.
I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves clearly.
Can it be phrased in another way?
I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution.

Movie subtitles

What the. How can this place be your territory?
How can that lady be my mom? how can that lady be my mom!
With that money, she can buy all the milk in the world and raise 1000 children!
Later, I probably can raise babies well.
With just this one shirt, I can feed 5 people in my family.
When I look at it we can't praise you enough!
I'm sorry but can I hold your baby?
Can I feed him for some milk too?
I can take the bus.
Let's go. I can't give you my heart, but I can give you food.
She probably has her reasons. Who can abandon their own flesh and blood?
Things can happen, right?
Do you think you can destroy it with just that power?
So, can you please help me?
Such a convenient world. What can you do to.
I can't allow a meaningless fight to go on!
Will you lend me your strength so that others can get by without losing their loved ones?
But. I can't go back. I can't return.
With this. we can finally sweep away the parasites who were sucking Prince Clovis dry.
We can't just take their word for it!
Garbage like you should just die where no one can. let's break this up.
It can't be picked up on a detector.
There's an emergency call button she can press.
It looks like he can see me.
There can be only one messiah.
Kids can get pretty much anything they want in the yard, as long as they can afford it.
Well, I'll see what I can do.
The thing is, they can never stop the peanut butter trade.
They can't!
The demand is so crazy, I can barely keep up.
One week of catching, a kid can make more than two years worth of allowance.
Is it true that you have a magic ring that can make you invisible?
How many sandwiches can you and your friends eat?
We're pretty hungry. Can you do it?
Nick's always told us none of us can get involved with the peanut racket, and there's no way I'm going to betray Nick for a kiss on the cheek for a lousy seven seconds.
What makes you say that? Because I betrayed Nick, and he's the only guy who can stand up to freakin' Frankie.
I can't do this to Nick.
Hey, Mary, can I talk to you?

News and current affairs

So it can happen anywhere.
Few people can muster great enthusiasm for the UN.
In other words, liberty is not the right of individuals to define their own lives, but the right of the state to restrict individual freedom in the name of a security that only the state can define.
They can destroy but not create.
Terrorists and terrorism cannot be eliminated any more than we can rid the world of disease.
First, funds from different sources of finance are interchangeable to a certain degree: deficiency of funds for one component of total debt can be supplemented by surplus funds originally aimed at financing other components.
But neither improved competitiveness, nor reduction of total debt, can be achieved overnight.
Almost everyone agreed that the old paradigm of neoclassical economics was broken, but there was no agreement on what can replace it.
By inductive reasoning, if we know the cause and effects, we can infer the principles.
Using this macro-historical framework, we can see Japanese deflation, European debt, and even the Arab Spring as phases of systemic changes within complex structures that are interacting with one another in a new, multipolar global system.
Sustainability can be achieved only when the haves become willing to sacrifice for the have-nots.
Such a grand project can be achieved if the political will exists and asserts itself.
Viewed from the standpoint of food security and the wealth of rural areas, there is now an urgent need to revisit the CAP's main instruments so that a new policy formula can be introduced.
Metropolitan agriculture in a rapidly urbanizing world can provide high-quality produce on small amounts of land.
Even the United States abrogated indexation clauses in bond contracts during the Great Depression of the 1930's. So it can happen anywhere.
We can only hope that, in the end, the consequences of 2009 similarly prove to be far less dramatic than we now - intuitively and in our historical reflexes - feel them to be.
But, while putting the ECB in charge of banking supervision solves one problem, it creates another: can national authorities still be held responsible for saving banks that they no longer supervise?
Obama, Rudd, Zapatero, and other forward-thinking leaders can therefore make a huge difference by following up on their pledges at the G-8 and insisting that the aid really works.
This is Manicheanism of the left, and, like Manicheanism of the political right, it can distort reality to the point of becoming divorced from it.
International cooperation has increased markedly, in part because governments that cannot agree on many things can agree on the need to cooperate in this area.
Weak governments can be made stronger; governments that tolerate or support terrorism must be held accountable.
The Internet, one of the great inventions of the modern Western world, has shown itself to be a weapon that can be used to incite and train those who wish to cause harm to that world.
Helping to make societies in the Middle East and elsewhere more democratic might reduce the alienation that can lead to radicalism and worse, but this is easier said than done.
The benefits of some donor help can be remarkable.
African farmers know that they need fertilizer; they just can't afford it.